Baird Manufacturing in Detroit, early... |
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Sharon Bull
| Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 04:31 pm: |
I just found your website last night as I was doing some searching related to my on-going family history research. I know nothing about engines, but I am quite certain that the Baird firm from Detroit was owned by brothers of my grandmother. I am wondering how I could learn more about this company, when it was in production, people employed etc. Any information you might be able to provide would be greatly appreciated. I knew that my great-uncles were tool and die makers & machinists but I am just beginning to gather details as to what it was they produced. I assume from your website that the produced some sort of engine, but as I say, my knowledge of engines is very limited! Thanks so much. Sincerely, Sharon Bull |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 06:16 pm: |
Sharon This is from C.H. Wendels book "American Gasoline Engines since 1872" It's a starting point With A quick scan I haven't found additional info yet, I'll keep looking !  |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 10:01 pm: |
There was a baird garden tractor in the 50's and sixtys.They started with a 2 wheeler and added a 4 wheeler and a lawn mower.This baird machine co. was in stratford connecticut. |
Scott Peters
| Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 07:25 am: |
Here is a little more on the Baird establishments: Baird & Henselwood Company Baird & Henselwood Company Detroit, Michigan Trade Name Model No. of cylinders Bore Stroke R.P.M. H.P. Weight Years Produced Notes Yale Sources: Homfeld, Max F. 753 Manufacturers of Inboard Marine Engines (St. Michaels, MD: Max F. Homfeld, 1991.) p. 1. Cites also Motor Boat, July 10, 1908, p. 120. Baird Machine & Manufacturing Company Baird Machine & Manufacturing Company was a marine engine manufacturing firm in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. William J. Baird was the proprietor of the firm, which was located at 26 Goebel Building. Baird also owned and operated W. J. Baird & Company, a firm specializing in machinery. Sold kits of rough casting and forgings for 9 hp. Yale. Trade Name Model No. of cylinders Bore Stroke R.P.M. H.P. Weight Years Produced Notes Yale Sources: Homfeld, Max F. 753 Manufacturers of Inboard Marine Engines (St. Michaels, MD: Max F. Homfeld, 1991.) p. 1. Polk, R. L. & Co. Detroit City Directory, 1912 (Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Co., 1912.) p. 565. |
Sharon Bull
| Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 09:47 pm: |
Thank you so much for the quick responses I have received. I've requested Wendel's "American Gasoline Engines since 1872" through interlibrary loan so hopefully it will come soon. I will also try to get a copy of the Homfeld book as well. Scott, does the information on Baird & Henselwood appear in the 1912 Polk Directory or just the information on Baird Machine & Manufacturing? I ask because my Great Uncle Crawford Baird was married to Bessie Henselwood and I'm guessing he worked with her brother. He left Detroit to homestead in Western Canada and I'm trying to nail down the year on that as well as learn more about the businesses the Baird brothers - William J., Andrew, Crawford and possibly John - had in Detroit. Again, thanks all and if anyone gets any additional details I will be happy to have them. Sharon |
| Posted on Monday, April 12, 2004 - 10:37 pm: |
Sharon Probably not worth your time to get "Wendels book, the info above is all that was in there. Homfeld reference is a list of marine engine makers, not a book. Scotts info above is the best i've seen on Baird Co. Have been looking for ads in old boating publications, they must have had minimum advertising budget, haven't found any yet ? |
Scott Peters
| Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - 01:10 pm: |
Sharon, I don't have access right now to the 1912 Detroit Directory, but I do have the 1911 version of the directory. There is an Andrew K. Henselwood listed as a machinist, home 586 Pennsylvania Ave., but no other Henselwoods listed [page 1264.] [page 561] Baird Machine & Mfg. Co., Wm. J. Baird, Pres. and Treas.; Andrew Baird, Vice-Pres.; Crawford Baird, Sec. Mfrs. of Special Machinery, Tools, Dies, Jigs and Gears, Experimental and Model Works, 51-53 Fort [street]E.; Tels Main 5731, City 5731. (also an ad on page 336.) Andrew's home is listed as 448 Townsend Ave.; Crowford at 755 Milwaukee Ave. E.; and Wm J. at 29 Leslie Ave. The ad on page 336 reads as follows, with no illustrations: Baird Machine and Mnfg. Co./Designers and Manufacturers of/Special and Pharmaceutical Machinery/Pottery Machinery/Tools, Dies and Gears, Gasoline Engines/Experimental and Model Work/Yale Air Compressors for Dentists, Doctors, Artists, Etc./Phones, Bell, Main 5731/Home, City 5731. 51-53 Fort St. I hope this helps. I believe the Baird & Henselwood is from the Homfeld book, rather than a city directory. I don't know if it would be worth your time, but the Library of Michigan in Lansing and the Detroit Public Library both have excellent genealogical collections that might help your search. Corporation Annual Reports for the firms might be available at the State Archives of Michigan, in the same building as the Library of Michigan. Good luck! |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 681 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 12:03 pm: |
> Yale Marine Motors 1908 Baird & Henselwood Co.  |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 682 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Thursday, December 16, 2004 - 12:36 pm: |
> Sharon Interesting to note that in 1913 list of marine engine Mfgrs the engine name "YALE" shows up as Heaps Engineering Co. Ltd., New Westminster, British columbia.? This may very well be the info you were looking for ? |
New member Username: premiere
Post Number: 1 Registered: 10-2014
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2014 - 09:26 pm: |
I found a pic of W.J. Baird Machinery Co. in a 1918 Washtenaw county phone book. I a tried to upload the photo but this site said it was to big. i will try to get help from someone to upload it for you |
Senior Member Username: ernie
Post Number: 1883 Registered: 01-2002

| Posted on Friday, October 03, 2014 - 08:11 am: |
E mail it to me and I will post it for you Hope this helps Ernie |
