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Boats with Early Inboards

Old Marine Engine » Boats with Early Inboards  

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Lawley yacht tenderchris_spring53 02-03-25  09:42 am
J W Brooke engine in "Dinghymota"classic_boat_museum08-13-24  02:13 pm
Unknown boatmiro08-04-24  11:09 am
I considered trying to outrun them.miro06-07-23  08:04 am
Fantail deck rehabchris_spring05-21-23  07:35 am
19' sharpie with a Gray Marine engineadmin04-27-23  10:10 am
1910 Gidley Canoe Stern launchchris_spring12-08-22  08:38 am
1915 Gidley Part 3narrabay211 10-26-22  04:45 pm
Mullins or Roberts 2 stroke marine motortwilkins7594hotmailc10-06-22  08:33 pm
St Lawrence head bolt torquechris_spring09-15-22  09:20 pm
The Cajun Bateau Story - Wooden Boat magazinemiro09-15-22  06:33 pm
What is this?narrabay206-30-22  12:18 am
Buttercupdrjefbtpgcomau05-06-22  07:03 pm
Power Dory with St Lawrence enginechris_spring12-30-21  08:01 am
Any original pics of launches ?narrabay211-07-21  12:40 am
Rose Fantail Aerial Viewsnarrabay210-26-21  07:45 pm
Fantail Launch Updatednarrabay2155 10-19-21  12:19 am
Fantail ridenarrabay210-13-21  10:53 pm
1915 Gidley Part 2.chris_spring10-09-21  11:53 am
1915 Gidleychris_spring72 10-08-21  07:44 am
The old boat in actionnarrabay208-20-21  03:30 pm
Fantail Launch Updated - Volume 2ernie08-13-21  12:36 pm
Suitable boat for a 3 hp St. Lawrence engine.chris_spring07-29-21  02:45 pm
21 foot compromise stern launch hull for saleadmin07-20-21  09:02 am
1961 beuhler turbocraftr1mcaolcom07-03-21  08:53 am
Kent Engine and yacht Caliphrluedeman05-25-21  12:33 pm
Revived DisPro at worknarrabay204-11-21  06:18 pm
Brit Imp 5 hp engine ernie03-07-21  07:57 pm
Looking for information on this unknown enginemiro02-19-21  10:48 am
KINGFISHER MARINE KD14bjornunda09-06-20  08:09 am
1942 British Canal Narrowboat - very nicenarrabay207-17-20  10:55 am
Flywheel near bilgechris_spring06-21-20  04:24 pm
Gillnetter with Frisco standard for sale on ebaymiro06-05-20  06:42 am
DisPro Sked at Workmiro05-03-20  09:47 pm
Stuart turner p6chris_spring02-22-20  07:39 am
REO TROLL ABOUT MARINE MOTORkimbo32408-15-19  08:11 am
Mercedes inboardbruce06-09-19  02:41 pm
Arona Al186tori05-21-19  02:48 am
What boasts sold with 1910 McDuff 2 cylinder engine?miro05-11-19  08:18 am
Swamp Cruisingmiro04-05-19  11:33 am
My Kahlenberg historyspring01-28-19  09:05 pm
Open spark ignition on old marine enginesraa01-27-19  11:30 am
Small flat bottom skiff with 1-1/2HP inboardspring10 01-13-19  07:49 pm
Paragon transmission issuened_l11-14-18  12:40 pm
The Old, now New Fantailjim_parrott10 09-24-18  07:15 am
Brand New Fantailjim_parrott09-12-18  07:02 am
Seats for the fantail launchspring10 08-29-18  09:50 pm
Fantail Launchesspring14 08-13-18  09:56 pm
Boat in the Waterspring12 08-07-18  08:23 pm
Next step for the Fantail Launchmiro07-19-18  09:28 pm
Clae 3hp Bantamarcher1407-12-18  10:49 pm
6 cylinder Roberts motor.bruce04-04-18  12:34 pm
I am looking for part's please ernie03-19-18  05:56 am
Paragon Transmission.jaytroy02-26-18  11:42 am
Toronto Harbor Photos circa 1900robert11 01-10-18  12:23 pm
1913 Mullins Restorationjb_castagnos32 12-31-17  07:57 pm
1906 Kahlenberg singlerobert12-28-17  08:44 pm
Rose Style Fantail Launch 4miro19 12-02-17  06:21 pm
Albin sparesclassic_ignition_par11-28-17  06:37 am
Video � Gertrude a boat with Kitchen Rudder and 2 cycle enginebcm11-01-17  02:36 pm
Stuart Turner Carburetor Pinstevestevegoldingcou09-12-17  11:18 am
Florida Steamboat miro09-07-17  08:25 am
1939 Universal SuperFour - what to do?miro08-29-17  10:19 pm
More - Milestone - YEAH !miro08-15-17  08:54 pm
My old boat - major milestonemiro07-16-17  04:59 pm
Help identify engine MV lotus65buckaroo07-01-17  11:54 am
Pierce Engine Co. launch - 1897 modelbillschaller05-20-17  10:41 am
Hydro Gliderricharddurgee04-02-17  01:48 am
JB's Batteaumiro03-31-17  06:26 pm
Swamp Cruisingjim_parrott03-30-17  03:19 pm
1920'S ERA HUDSON RIVER LAUNCHpercy_seadog03-24-17  02:14 am
ID an engineernie01-07-17  08:12 am
Rose Style Fantail Launch Number 3ernie18 01-01-17  07:31 pm
Gray Marine Phantom 4-75Keith Entrekin12-15-16  11:02 pm
Delco Remy Dynastart Model No 1101790gmac00712-01-16  05:33 pm
1946 Gray Marine Lugger 69Ramblin Rabble10-17-16  12:22 am
Kelvin Poppet 6/7 # 3551keith09-29-16  10:09 pm
Old pic from Swedenearly_iron09-27-16  03:22 am
My new old Bateaupreventec4721 08-27-16  01:10 pm
Penta 40imackenzie08-14-16  10:17 am
Engine Bed for my old boatmiro08-06-16  09:12 pm
Sabb model G - advice pleasemiro06-25-16  08:57 pm
Fageol 44 VIP (Vertical Inboard Power)Richard Conway12 06-06-16  01:42 pm
1916 Cryer Carvel Tug Boat with Atlas Imperial 4HM1021 Dieselimotorhead79 05-31-16  07:38 am
Finest Hours Lifeboat CG36500ernie04-16-16  06:05 pm
1929 Gopher rowboat motor made by University of Minnesota engineer...admin02-09-16  06:41 pm
Duesie!miro01-21-16  10:46 am
18" stringershark_hervey01-04-16  11:07 am
Roberts enginericharddurgee01-01-16  06:51 pm
Rochestermiro10-16-15  09:23 pm
Cajun boat plans available jim_parrott10-06-15  03:14 pm
Schofield-Holdenricharddurgee10-04-15  06:49 am
Volvo penta md1shindig09-26-15  01:36 am
Palmer Powerernie09-15-15  08:01 am
A (not so ) Silent DisPromiro08-23-15  10:07 pm
Fairbanks-Grantkeith08-15-15  09:06 pm
Celebration of the 100th Year of the DisPro Device Patentricharddurgee08-09-15  03:22 pm
Late 20'sricharddurgee08-05-15  05:02 pm
Melrose 1901richarddurgee07-28-15  09:22 pm
1914 Hydroricharddurgee07-10-15  10:22 am
1915ldobbins07-07-15  05:34 pm
Gray Marine Engine 4-30Doug Whitfield06-28-15  02:31 pm
Stuart Turner P55Guest Coughlan15 06-23-15  07:19 pm
Lake Arthur Louisianajim_parrott04-15-15  06:00 pm
St Lawrence in a tin boatmiro03-31-15  10:35 pm
Louisiana Boats are Real Toughjb_castagnos03-29-15  10:58 am
Need info on St Lawrence model T conversionbruce11 03-26-15  08:42 pm
Ditchburnricharddurgee02-26-15  05:46 pm
Boat for my Baby Grandjim_miller02-26-15  10:35 am
Dodge Watercaroldwatercar02-24-15  09:46 pm
1973 GM Bedford Marine Enginemiro02-19-15  08:49 am
Looking for a old chrysler crown i-6 m2 or m47pooba02-18-15  02:05 pm
Naphtha Marine Enginesscott_n23 01-12-15  02:01 pm
Whatever Happened To G. Boley and the Crystal Queen?admin01-11-15  02:47 pm
Sternsricharddurgee01-07-15  09:50 pm
Looking for Flathead Marine Partsjimpeg101-06-15  05:50 pm
1894 Truscott boat hullbcm11-10-14  09:56 am
VERY OLD ELCO LAUNCHrbprice10-23-14  07:35 am
Palmer 134 - Transmission workmiro09-06-14  09:18 pm
Blacksland inboard enginessilent1109-04-14  05:10 am
66 Owens Flagshipsailordex08-20-14  10:51 am
Packard V12 4M-2500loafer07-25-14  12:27 am
Dunn Motorjrski07-13-14  09:50 pm
Crown Point Doryjohnwatson19 06-21-14  07:48 am
Paragon FVA 2 transmissionjfrprops06-03-14  09:05 pm
Buchanan Rocket 6 cyl Enginemiro05-29-14  09:34 pm
Power Boat News magazine 1905ivor05-11-14  11:40 am
New replacement engines for gray marine with paragon transned_l04-22-14  07:51 am
Disappearing Propeller Boatsmiro04-17-14  07:12 am
Our picnic on the bayoujb_castagnos04-10-14  11:09 pm
1953 Chris-craft Commander ML enginesmikeyates9104-07-14  02:18 pm
Marine paintmarinefiberglass03-18-14  06:44 am
Boat with Van Blerck enginemarinefiberglass32 03-18-14  06:29 am
Another Dis Pro device patentmiro03-12-14  01:57 pm
WANTED: Packard Marine Enginenautilus02-21-14  09:36 am
100 Mile Markldobbins01-22-14  07:12 pm
Vessel "HATHORN" Lathropkeith12-30-13  10:03 pm
1929 6cyl 140HP Atlas Imperial Dieselrobert22 12-13-13  09:35 pm
Propeller sizingmother11-19-13  10:05 pm
Thornycroft A4 or B4 engine approx 1903mac11-12-13  06:15 pm
Fairbanks Morse 37 E 16robert10-30-13  06:28 pm
Question about twin props on 1913 boatmiro10-04-13  07:36 am
Ford V8 flathead marine partsyoz188109-26-13  06:23 am
Kelvin k4? engine parts found in 1928 fife butletooseyboy09-15-13  02:44 pm
Brooke dinghymoto engine bartropr09-10-13  03:00 pm
One , two, three, FLIPkeith09-01-13  09:44 pm
Ford flathead boat manifoldshugger6916 08-23-13  02:40 am
225 v6 Dauntless Odd Fireernie08-09-13  01:20 pm
Ferro and Reversible Propmiro08-09-13  08:41 am
Running enginesmiro07-22-13  10:37 pm
New Wooden Boat with 5 HP Acadia Enginekkinney10 07-15-13  11:23 pm
Canoe stern launch and Simplex 3HPrussell14 05-30-13  06:15 pm
Launch from Sailboaternie05-19-13  04:24 pm
Miss Canada IV in the waterwrenchguy05-13-13  10:17 pm
Dec 1917billschaller04-14-13  06:02 pm
Neptune Boat Motorpapa412604-08-13  10:24 am
Cruisin' the Bayous in Louisianadavid_doyle04-01-13  01:47 am
Perkins 4108 heat exchancerjimbo49203-01-13  02:56 pm
1935 cruiser restorationrobert02-25-13  02:34 am
Open Exhaustbruce02-21-13  04:14 pm
Correct Gray Marine Engine Colormaritimeclassics02-20-13  04:58 pm
Isuzu engineschowyunfat12-29-12  09:36 pm
Wichmann 2 strke dieselrobert12-25-12  08:02 pm
My 1929 Atlas videossearcher18 12-22-12  05:13 pm
3.8l bmc oil sumpottoburn43412-02-12  03:16 pm
Brit 5hp Inboard petrol enginewater_womble11-14-12  11:37 am
OSCO Sea Atomjjmans17 11-07-12  07:16 pm
Compression fittings oil lines ernie11-07-12  07:12 am
Unidentified boatJudgement Day10-18-12  01:21 pm
1967 Chrysler 318eddie07-28-12  09:11 am
Researching an old boatjb_castagnos07-20-12  11:14 am
Saw this neat boat at Opsail New Londonmike_collin07-18-12  10:10 pm
5hp Acadia - Looking for water jacketblack_islander06-06-12  06:02 pm
Stuart Inboard R3LY.skankin_giant13 06-05-12  05:11 am
"The African Queen"richarddurgee16 05-09-12  12:16 am
St. Lawrence Engine in Mullins Launch: What I have learnedmiro05-04-12  11:55 am
Louisiana Bateaux Drawingsspeleausmining13 04-21-12  02:41 pm
BARN FIND LAUNCHcarogalake118 04-06-12  08:50 pm
Another Nice Wooden Boatmiro04-05-12  05:20 pm
Nice Wooden Boatjb_castagnos04-03-12  08:55 pm
Bridgeport Sales Boatricharddurgee03-16-12  09:29 am
Roberts Motor Companyricharddurgee03-10-12  08:00 pm
Fraser Marine Enginesbillschaller02-22-12  10:24 pm
Chrysler Crown M47-3 enginevettsmith02-22-12  10:58 am
The Boat With A Warm Namericharddurgee02-09-12  10:41 am
Gilbertkeith02-06-12  08:43 pm
Palmer launchBryan K Flanigan01-25-12  10:46 pm
Wooden boat with Lathrop for salejimdanewf01-19-12  05:40 pm
Mianus installation in dorywalt_ansel10 01-15-12  06:59 pm
Palmer Launch for sale in the clasified sectionmudsharktwo01-01-12  08:47 am
Brit Impfairbanks12-29-11  03:29 pm
Palmer P-60 27HP inboard gasoline enginegonzo12-26-11  11:40 pm
The RubyToo seizesjohnny09-27-11  03:01 pm
Fantail in need of Antique Re Powergregoryan09-24-11  10:40 pm
Kelvin single cylinder robert09-22-11  10:55 pm
1910 E M White motorcanoericharddurgee09-18-11  12:42 am
Bmc 3.8pubman09-16-11  12:36 pm
flathead ford with lyman marine transmissionfabbe16 09-09-11  10:59 pm
Manualbreeze09-07-11  06:33 pm
C.M. Lane Lifeboat Co. info wanted....johnny25 08-05-11  07:02 am
Sea Bright Dorysearcher07-29-11  01:44 pm
Norman T600 marine enginekeithuk07-28-11  05:44 pm
Tale of a Tuttleraa18 07-25-11  10:46 pm
Rose Style Fantail Launchernie51 07-25-11  01:44 pm
Electric Fuel pump for a 272 Y-block interceptor in a 1959 Beuhler ...gonzo06-23-11  08:35 pm
BMC 5.1 smookhavefun06-21-11  08:14 am
Stuart Turner FREE sparescrackers8105-29-11  02:38 pm
Sterns At The 1905 Boat Showlaurie_d05-22-11  07:49 pm
Tips on backing boat trailersernie05-20-11  12:08 pm
Muffler for a 3 hp lathropernie05-16-11  07:47 pm
Reversing pitch prop questions...silverghost23 05-15-11  11:21 pm
Fay & Bowen/ Ocean City NJsilverghost05-10-11  08:26 pm
1910 from Francebillschaller05-01-11  09:44 am
1973 morgan w/50 hp perkins diesel (4.107)mike fondo04-19-11  07:58 pm
GLASS CABIN LAUNCHjohnny03-16-11  10:22 am
Seeking Bedford 330 Dieseldaycoming03-13-11  08:51 pm
Bedford 6Cyl 300 Dieseldaycoming03-11-11  08:18 pm
25-ft "Special"rendo03-11-11  08:04 am
OLD 18' POWER DORY LAUNCHfabbe02-28-11  05:32 pm
Why do I see inboard marine engines w/o transmissions?bruce02-15-11  01:59 pm
Perkins 40 hp inboardjeanette02-13-11  05:57 am
Need a iron duke (gm block) boat motor. sean36001-31-11  08:27 pm
21' Beckmann Compromise Stern Launch hulljohnny01-05-11  06:55 pm
Launch hull with Gray 1 cyl model Randrew01-03-11  06:45 pm
Early Palmer Launchricharddurgee12-19-10  10:14 am
Lining Up 1901richarddurgee12-13-10  12:21 am
Disapearing Propeller Boat Co web site miro12-04-10  06:19 am
Chrysler Marine Engines - Pair of M45S Hemi'sandrew11-17-10  06:08 pm
Dudley aero speedboatfabbe11-17-10  05:51 pm
No Engine but do have a boat.frank_petran11-04-10  09:47 pm
Mianus in UK.ernie11-01-10  05:21 pm
Unusual Dispromatt_morehouse10-31-10  10:05 am
'DIXIE' Hicks 14 hp twin 1924capmo11 10-25-10  12:28 pm
The Racelaurie_d10-19-10  10:04 pm
Fay and Bowen T head enginerendo10-19-10  08:22 am
Warner Antique Boat Collectionjohnny10-13-10  07:34 am
Paddle Storejohnny10-11-10  06:12 pm
stuffing box and prop placement in a power dory projectIolanthe, San Franci09-29-10  02:13 pm
6.354 perkinsduke09-21-10  12:53 pm
The launch of the Fantail Boatmiro09-20-10  06:42 am
Please HELP YSB8 Questionssnoc09-12-10  03:50 pm
graymarineclydes_repair09-01-10  05:43 am
1961 BUHLER 16' TURBO CRAFT - NEED INFOcapn_kirk43 08-30-10  01:59 pm
Evinrude Fastwinbob_parker08-24-10  04:04 pm
Fay and Bowenrendo08-22-10  09:04 pm
Recent update on boat and enginelaurie_d16 08-16-10  07:02 pm
Skandiaverken Lysekilmiro08-16-10  10:23 am
Bedford Dieselphil_o07-30-10  07:28 pm
The RubyToomurray_hopkins07-21-10  08:07 pm
Bateau Pilmgrimagejohnny06-25-10  10:48 pm
Oily Wood on my boatjdheinzmann06-17-10  10:54 pm
My Old Boat Projectfrank_petran06-02-10  08:33 pm
Swartman Boatsmiro06-01-10  09:04 am
A New Side Wheelerricharddurgee05-26-10  07:30 pm
PANDORA with a Simplexlaurie_d26 05-23-10  06:24 pm
Meadows (UK) EnginesMark White05-22-10  12:50 am
4 Horse powerbruce05-16-10  09:16 am
V-12 SCRIPPS POWERED SPEEDBOAT "THE BEAST"Ernie Weschcke05-02-10  01:28 pm
1977 Perkins 130 hp model 6.354marine engines larry_from_maryland04-29-10  12:22 pm
Hp restriction on jet propultion?mach1dleet104-05-10  07:48 pm
Something New 1904billschaller04-05-10  05:04 pm
Even More Belle RIvermiro04-02-10  08:26 am
J.B.'s Belle River 2010jb_castagnos04-01-10  11:37 pm
Belle River Visit and Boatsmiro04-01-10  09:23 pm
More Belle River boatsmiro04-01-10  09:20 pm
Louisiana Tripmiro03-31-10  09:38 pm
Weston Farmerricharddurgee03-14-10  09:38 pm
Eveningricharddurgee03-13-10  03:57 pm
Raising a naptha launch after 21 years underwaterandrew14 03-09-10  06:47 pm
Michigan Steel Boat Companyjohnny03-05-10  04:10 pm
CANIN BALLdrdetroit03-01-10  06:08 pm
Minett with Buffalorogerd10 02-24-10  10:27 am
Ignition timing for Twin Cylinder engines - Simplexbruce_findlay02-23-10  10:00 pm
Maine Photogregoryan02-06-10  11:44 pm
Volvo penta MD1 7HPchris lowe01-19-10  06:13 pm
Looking for finger-tip gearcontrol for Packard IM356 Marinevinco_301-14-10  04:18 pm
Come Aboardjohnny01-08-10  02:54 pm
Fay & Bowen 1923 restorationricharddurgee01-03-10  05:13 pm
Commercial boat conversioncaptain_lyerly12-11-09  09:46 pm
1968 Buehler Turbocraftmarkuzzzz11-23-09  03:44 pm
GMC 4 Cyl 3.0L inboardmiro11-06-09  09:10 pm
Mississippi River workboats 1920'sstokwsx10-31-09  12:15 pm
Lighthouse visit miro10-30-09  08:44 am
Old Evinrude O/Bnautibuoy10-24-09  02:23 pm
Chrysler Crowngarwoodguy10-21-09  02:37 pm
Looking for info on 1953 Universal Unimite Four motorbosco10-05-09  02:15 pm
Newbie looking for adviceernie10-05-09  09:52 am
Josie G.madbanshee10-01-09  04:23 pm
DisPro Regattasolarrog09-28-09  09:43 pm
Parts for Fageol 44 VIP marine engineToni Bagley08-28-09  06:10 am
Palmer YT-1 in ca 1915 Bay Girlernie30 08-25-09  04:45 pm
Engine numberstollycraft08-24-09  07:02 pm
Mullins Sea Eagle-Gray Marine (twin carb motor)bmmcbx08-15-09  02:47 am
E.M White 20ft Inboard Power Canoe.....Engine Helpsearcher07-10-09  10:27 pm
Anybody out there familar with Chrysler Inboard 3181rustyfan10 07-06-09  09:32 am
Pics of RubyToo at the Sydney working with wood showboatpaul06-27-09  10:02 pm
Buchanan Junior 4miro06-23-09  02:08 pm
Exaust leak advise requiredronj06-02-09  12:30 pm
The Sound of a Putt puttgregoryan04-22-09  11:09 pm
Wet but great day for childrens charitymatt04-21-09  01:50 am
Scripps D-6bbrauninger04-16-09  04:31 pm
Mallory Ignitionmiro03-25-09  11:05 am
DisPros Lined Upmiro03-17-09  12:00 pm
Insurance for antique boatsldobbins03-13-09  12:34 pm
Steam conversionmiro03-09-09  03:17 pm
Net boat with Kelvin enginedopeydriver03-01-09  06:56 pm
Westerns Black Diamond IIIricharddurgee02-01-09  12:11 pm
Twin omc ford(kent 1600)michele inzunza01-31-09  10:53 am
Some pics of a great day out.gregoryan01-31-09  12:24 am
How does one actuate a reversing blade propeller dijo01-29-09  10:18 pm
Double Duty ernie01-29-09  12:39 pm
1905 Stern Shapesmiro01-27-09  03:05 pm
Assistance with Identification of Launch and Inboardnittro01-17-09  04:08 pm
Great day out on Botany Baytitanicslim01-11-09  02:47 pm
The BUILDERricharddurgee01-11-09  02:26 pm
Ice boat on Popular Mechanicspaulgray01-06-09  06:39 pm
Fantail Launchscott_n01-04-09  10:21 am
GM 6-71 If you know this engine PLEASE contact mesherlock12-31-08  03:43 am
Scripps F-6 HSbwb12-07-08  02:53 pm
Boat suitable for small engine installationthe_bigfella11-29-08  05:42 am
1972 Carter marine Inc? I NEED SOME INFO PLEASE?Matt M.11-16-08  10:09 pm
1953 CHRIS CRAFT 26'-0 w/CHRYSLER ROYAL M-48phillip_carlton11-04-08  04:59 pm
Disappearing Propeller Boat Co, Port Carlingbgoss10-29-08  08:05 pm
Need help PLEASEandrew12 10-13-08  07:43 pm
Looking for Reversing blade propeller for Fay & Bowen singlerendo09-30-08  11:23 am
Cedar Sea Bright Skiff; Hankins for Salerendo09-23-08  12:05 am
Power To The Rescuericharddurgee09-20-08  05:30 am
Paddle Boat 1910richarddurgee09-14-08  10:55 pm
"In The Pink"richarddurgee08-10-08  04:03 pm
H.G.Leighton 1904richarddurgee08-09-08  03:21 pm
Fay and Bowanrholcomb06-21-08  03:02 am
1930's era Dyer Dhow or Dink engineraymo906-10-08  09:15 pm
Comparable partsskagit_2405-31-08  10:35 am
Sprocket missing every other toothrendo05-28-08  11:45 pm
Old boat and motorboatbum05-17-08  10:37 pm
Fairbanks-morse racing boat plansjohn hamilton05-01-08  04:10 pm
Champion blue ribbon motor- need partsLeroy Mix04-30-08  11:11 am
DisPro Video ernie04-19-08  07:49 pm
Mullins LaunchSteve Fox04-05-08  10:10 pm
Old 22 ft. sail boatChris Donnelly 03-16-08  03:08 pm
"Tender" Behindricharddurgee03-11-08  06:46 pm
Looking for Engine for Atlantic Sea Skiffwelch02-16-08  06:26 pm
Racine Viper richarddurgee02-15-08  08:03 pm
Unidentified Boatjohnny01-23-08  07:58 pm
1913 boat with Red Wingsolarrog01-20-08  08:26 pm
More pics of the Rubytoo.matt01-16-08  03:30 am
Ford Marine enginemalcolm01-05-08  07:00 pm
Marine FIAT tipo 511 engineRichard Unkles12-16-07  05:02 pm
Old Scripps 6 cyl, looking for parts and info12783112-09-07  08:10 am
Looking for Rosiegrant_willis12-05-07  01:57 am
1953-54 evinrude outboardRobert Pray11-16-07  08:43 pm
Universal Motor Co Looking for Gauge Panelwkruger11-14-07  04:58 pm
What Year Did THis Ad Appear ?richarddurgee11-13-07  07:07 pm
Unknown singlemiro11-04-07  10:57 pm
Leyare Boat Works 1908richarddurgee10-07-07  12:14 pm
Ex Norvegian vessel in USwichmann10-02-07  04:49 pm
Need Perko throttle lever assemblyrendo09-06-07  10:36 pm
Monterey clipper fishing boat engine 1930smiro09-04-07  07:30 am
Grand Rapids Launch and Engine Companyjohnny15 09-01-07  02:28 pm
A 1917 DisProCliff...B08-22-07  12:14 pm
Need Fay and Bowen Engine for Fay and Bowenrendo08-22-07  12:01 am
A bit more varnishjohnny08-20-07  12:31 pm
LifeBoat 1900johnny08-16-07  12:52 pm
Harsen Island Launch johnny08-16-07  06:54 am
ADIRONDACK INBOARD GUIDE BOATcowboyroy07-17-07  07:58 am
Buchanan Junior 4 Service Manualrobert07-14-07  11:21 pm
Gas Launch showed up on Harrys Old Engine Pageernie07-12-07  07:53 am
New Toyrosey40 07-09-07  07:39 pm
Blaxland Clutchsteve_ob06-25-07  03:44 am
Sabb 10HP Model Hblavendave06-20-07  04:45 pm
1903 Danish Seine Boat "UMPAH"rayner05-29-07  09:58 pm
C.M.Lane LifeboatKerry Housh05-25-07  01:35 pm
My new prodjekt, with 5 hp hot bulb enginewichmann05-24-07  01:33 pm
VIPER 1905richarddurgee05-20-07  05:26 pm
Lozier Power Lighter 1905richarddurgee05-20-07  01:49 pm
Matthews Torpedo Launch 1903gregoryan05-15-07  06:01 am
Nearly Theredave_myers05-07-07  06:34 am
Boat Hull'sernie05-02-07  12:05 pm
St. Lawrence Skiff with engine.warlocke05-01-07  10:13 pm
1960 wizard continental 19.5 cabin boat w/ 4cyl volvoMichael Lee Barrows04-24-07  10:38 pm
New old bateauxmiro04-04-07  05:38 pm
A new old bateaux from Louisanamiro04-03-07  07:32 pm
A Couple of Good Boatsjohnny03-15-07  07:13 am
427 Ford FE Interceptor Aluminum Exhast RisersJim Honney03-11-07  07:01 am
Bandsaw Blades Geometryricharddurgee03-05-07  08:02 am
I want to racebillschaller02-12-07  12:18 pm
1908 Schoonerricharddurgee12-26-06  09:54 am
Detroit Boat Co.johnny12-22-06  08:45 pm
Atomic 4 feasibility Mike Haworth11-30-06  04:44 pm
Looking for a Dyna Start ken_guest11-28-06  03:48 pm
Help !!! I need 64 interceptor exhaust riser pt # 5047Lernie11-09-06  01:29 pm
Chrysler Marine 80 i/o motor Year??Model??mscboater10-29-06  01:39 pm
Inboard Lauson Engine-1935iceboater10-27-06  03:41 am
Wisconsin Boating Mystery Solvedricharddurgee10-25-06  04:30 pm
Toppan 1908billschaller10-12-06  03:55 pm
Hankscraft 1906richarddurgee10-09-06  10:28 pm
Schofield - Holden 1910bruce10-06-06  11:42 pm
Rochester 1910richarddurgee10-05-06  11:24 pm
Engine and Boat Literaturejohnny09-29-06  07:05 pm
What type of trailer?matt09-11-06  07:18 pm
Early Palmer Launchrichardday09-08-06  06:46 am
New (old) DisProandrew09-03-06  08:27 pm
Looking for 10' to 13' launch planssteamup08-22-06  12:37 am
Miller BoatsBerkshire Wooden Boa08-16-06  12:31 pm
1963 TROJAN SEABREEZE MOTORernie08-15-06  03:32 pm
1978 Revel Craftccomfort07-20-06  03:02 pm
The Crabber TheTonger The Push Boatricharddurgee04-21-06  12:31 am
Crabbing skiffhenry thomas10 03-26-06  09:14 pm
New project..helpmiro03-07-06  05:20 pm
Salvaged Boat and Enginepoker casino68203-06-06  07:39 pm
Em White Motor Canoe steeringpoker casino20603-06-06  07:38 pm
one cylinder westerbeke?poker casino76103-06-06  07:26 pm
one cylinder model t engine ? help identify??poker casino40903-06-06  07:26 pm
Scripps 4-60 enginepoker casino81903-06-06  07:16 pm
17' Surfboatpoker casino72403-06-06  07:12 pm
Pierce Marine Enginepoker casino13303-06-06  06:26 pm
1902 Thrall 2cycle, 2 cylinder inboardpoker casino45303-06-06  06:11 pm
Chrysler Flat 8 IB from 1940 Mathewspoker casino93703-06-06  06:10 pm
St Lawrence Installation in a DisPropoker casino72511 03-06-06  05:57 pm
projects from John in Australiapoker casino7403-06-06  05:31 pm
I need a boatpoker casino803-06-06  05:26 pm
What prop?poker casino63503-06-06  04:29 pm
Vinco hull plaquespoker casino69403-06-06  04:24 pm
Davistown Regatta 2002poker casino44219 03-06-06  04:22 pm
Outboard drive used to drive an amphibian aircraft poker casino51103-06-06  04:17 pm
Want to find history of ex-USN "Admiral's Barge" built 1919...poker casino24303-06-06  04:10 pm
Waterjacket on 4hp Acadiapoker casino78611 03-06-06  04:05 pm
Stackedpoker casino76903-06-06  04:03 pm
Johnson diesel, circa 1929poker casino44103-06-06  02:36 pm
Yet Another DisPro Installationpoker casino26203-06-06  01:51 pm
Cleaning out the workshoppoker casino17303-06-06  01:29 pm
Stuart Turner help needed pleaseJeremy King02-13-06  12:02 am
Timelessricharddurgee02-09-06  09:32 pm
Hoosier Boyricharddurgee02-05-06  09:53 am
1918 (?) Detroit Enginemiro12 01-27-06  04:18 pm
Boatless Heavenricharddurgee01-25-06  02:55 pm
Iejseuandrew01-15-06  11:30 am
Washington direct reversing marine diesel tech manualthe_ice_man12-22-05  05:57 pm
Looking for year of mfg for Chrysler Crown SM7 andrew12-21-05  05:53 pm
Anyone have info on antique volvo enginesandrew12-21-05  05:51 pm
1962 Owens Dutchess Flagshipetuero11-01-05  10:52 pm
17' N.J. Surfboatbeardedskipper09-02-05  08:12 pm
Plugs for stuart turner P5 8hp twintimmulvey08-10-05  07:54 am
Recent DsiPro Restorationmiro07-22-05  01:03 pm
Data on Stuart 1.5 HP 2 stroke inboarddevorst06-29-05  02:26 am
John Jacob Astor IV launchbruce06-21-05  10:26 pm
July 1916ernie06-19-05  09:44 am
1939 gray 6-125 running too richmiro06-17-05  04:48 pm
Lapstrake Boat with Palmer YTmiro06-15-05  02:07 pm
Joe Suydams barge. richardday06-09-05  09:09 pm
1912 26 foot Minettmiro06-06-05  03:22 pm
St. Lawrence River Motor and Machine co. bruce05-31-05  11:27 pm
1937 chris craft deluxeMichael Tanner05-29-05  08:41 am
ENFIELD STERNDRIVESdennis05-25-05  03:25 am
Regal 10 horsepower model UBrholcomb05-17-05  08:32 am
Unrestored DisProsolarrog05-16-05  01:02 pm
PLEASE HELP NEED PARTSfrancis04-09-05  07:24 am
help getting a Blaxland 2 cylinder motor goingpeterogborne13 02-18-05  07:18 am
3 hp Buffalo from 1909?richarddurgee02-17-05  10:54 pm
2 1/2 HP Straubel - manual neededbillschaller02-17-05  02:50 am
Scriggs Motorsristo01-18-05  01:36 pm
Unknown Engine?sswonderlake12-13-04  08:05 pm
Fay and Bowen launchedandrew11-27-04  01:44 pm
Great boat photo, ebayBill S11-14-04  12:39 pm
Double Ender Powered by Easthope 20hprobert11-14-04  12:40 am
Neat boat with AcadiaLloyd Nauss10-14-04  02:32 pm
Dory with Acadiaandrew09-25-04  07:33 pm
Irreduciblebruce17 09-15-04  08:53 pm
Nice boatsbill s09-04-04  12:39 am
Launch photo's on e-baysolarrog08-31-04  11:53 am
Kermath marinebertie08-03-04  12:29 pm
What Boat for a 6HP Universal Fisherman ???skidmark07-21-04  08:20 am
Palmer P60 engine Puzzlerichardday07-11-04  09:04 pm
A gas engine powered boat in 1829 !!!raymond06-28-04  08:34 am
Octopus inboard engineJames05-12-04  01:50 am
stuart turner p5 running to fastMARK SAVILL05-03-04  12:13 pm
Niagara Motor LaunchMike gausden04-28-04  08:56 pm
who made the "Interceptor" possilbly 1980's Cabin Cruiser?pam foster04-20-04  08:22 pm
6-125 generator pulleyekvisto04-01-04  09:18 am
spark plugs and wireskevin19 03-31-04  07:36 am
Dorman 4dwdmNick Cooke03-16-04  03:57 pm
HOCH BROS. inboards mfg. GR.,MI. 1900-1930richarddurgee01-17-04  11:08 am
The Reversing Propellermiro01-16-04  09:19 pm
Provincetown Trap Boat EnginesTony Dias12-30-03  10:26 am
toquet carburetorTom Stranko11-28-03  01:09 pm
a boat motor I know little aboutandrew10-03-03  09:56 am
Falcon InboardJohn Kloster09-12-03  11:40 am
Elco Marine Motors InfoBill Brauninger09-03-03  12:45 pm
Queensland Putt PuttersSteve OBrien07-13-03  08:37 pm
ANTIQUE 1926 JOHNSON 26' WOODEN LAKE BOATBill Schaller05-19-03  02:40 pm
Bay Boat for 2 Cycle, 1 1/2 hp In-boardRichard Day05-18-03  05:27 pm
Little Giant Engineleroy overstreet05-12-03  12:48 pm
Planing on building a boat David Wend03-22-03  09:27 am
PAULSON engine in boatandrew01-04-03  11:02 am
Swan with Union engineRussell Ward11-10-02  10:54 pm
Doman motorBrett11-09-02  09:43 pm
Tug with Kahlenbergandrew10-30-02  06:45 pm
picture of engine room, guess what kind?Ernie10-21-02  05:42 pm
Atchafalaya River Basin Gathering 2002Richard Day09-15-02  08:29 pm
Early Single Step Hydroplane Racer with Engine on EbayRobert09-12-02  10:34 am
A neat installation of a twinmiro09-09-02  11:13 pm
ERD Motor Co. Siganaw Mitch. USA s/cyl.5hp motor leo caunter09-04-02  02:01 am
Acadia 15-45 [1944]Ira Dorey09-03-02  10:44 am
Acadia 4HP in a boatIra Dorey09-03-02  10:42 am
Make-N-BreakIra Dorey10 09-03-02  10:41 am
Bemus Distributor- 1902 Thrall 2-cycle, 2 cylinderMike Adams12 08-17-02  01:16 pm
Kahlenberg gasoline engine, 2-cylinder, 18-20 horsepowergdematteis08-03-02  02:39 pm
Irreducible, 10 foot inboard launch.Ken Guelta07-22-02  02:14 pm
world's fastest gas engine paddleboatandrew06-30-02  05:05 pm
bristol custom boats oakland calif?john martin04-24-02  05:06 pm
Found OLD motor.Bob Johnson03-30-02  06:46 pm
DuBrie Motor Co. InfoScott Compton03-11-02  12:26 pm
Information on a l965 Chris Craft Fiberglass Boat and the l40 Inter...andrew03-10-02  02:28 pm
Termatt & Monahan 1 1/2 HP for Cheseapeake BayBruce03-07-02  10:27 pm
Boat with Universal BNStuart02-09-02  12:41 pm
Standard Engines 1919miro01-01-02  10:03 am
wondering if anyone knowsbill phelph12-20-01  09:14 pm
Advise on an engine for a boatjerry stiles12-20-01  07:29 pm
Mullins on eBayrbprice11-29-01  08:14 am
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