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New member Username: drdetroit
Post Number: 1 Registered: 12-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 - 04:59 pm: |
Greetings all! Im new here and didn't know such a site existed, I have a "Hess" watercooled 2 cycle 1 cyl. It seems kinda rare, Made in Algonac MI. It is complete, I had it running years ago. uses a Ford "buzz box" coil. I will try to get some pic's and post (anyone else heard of or has one of these)? Also my Grandpappy has a huge 4 cyl. 2 cycle Taylor Diesel 1934, It's direct reversing!!! for tugboat application. Also he has a "Hill" 4 cyl. diesel tugboat engine 1928. |
Senior Member Username: miro
Post Number: 416 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 - 11:29 pm: |
Welcome aboard. I think you'll find this is the best place for info on the engines.. Pictures ( front, both sides, rear and special features eg timer) make the task a lot more efficient. And if you are a bit computer challenged on getting the jpg's down to the size limit, I'm sure one of the folks will get 'er done for you. |
Senior Member Username: rbprice
Post Number: 281 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 - 05:21 pm: |
Hello DRD - I too have a Hess or at least some of a Hess. It is missing its fly wheel and water pump. I have made a pattern for the flywheel and will have a casting made one of these days. I would really appreciate a few close-up pictures of the water pump in hopes of being able to reverse engineer one.
The photos of the nicely restored engine are in a Harsen Island launch that was for sale some time ago at a boat dealer in Michigan. |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2264 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Friday, January 01, 2010 - 05:03 pm: |
* DRD Looking foreward to photos ! If not just a typing error and your engine is a 2 cycle single cylinder it will not resemble the 4 cycle engs posted here ? Hess came out of the Gierholt Motor Co. that did make 2 cycle engs ?? let us know. ** |
Member Username: drdetroit
Post Number: 4 Registered: 12-2009
| Posted on Friday, January 01, 2010 - 09:23 pm: |
Greetings. I will try tne get pics posted soon. It seems that this site only handles very small KB size for pics.I will need to figure how to downsize the pics. Yes mine is a one cylider. Its a baby brother to yours shown |
Senior Member Username: john_archibald
Post Number: 132 Registered: 08-2006

| Posted on Friday, January 01, 2010 - 10:39 pm: |
Folks, Download Irfanview, it's free, and you can very easily re-size your images with it. It is an image viewer program and it will open and deal with any image format. Go to Image, Resize, pick the size and save the file. You're done. I've been using it for over 10 years. Archibald Northfield, Minnesota |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2265 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 12:54 am: |
* DRD Email photos to me I will post them here ! [email protected] ** |
Senior Member Username: ernie
Post Number: 1144 Registered: 01-2002

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 08:37 am: |
BE VERY CAREFULL with Infranview. It can take over ALL of you pics and change them to it's own format if is isn't set up carefully. To get them back to JPG format you have to remove (uninstall) it carefully! |
George Martin Visitor
| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 11:26 am: |
I've used Irfanview for ages also, never had a problem with it. |
Senior Member Username: rbprice
Post Number: 283 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 02:41 pm: |
DRD - Maximum allowed picture size is 100K |
Senior Member Username: solarrog
Post Number: 396 Registered: 03-2002

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 02:52 pm: |
Here is the resizer page link
Senior Member Username: john_archibald
Post Number: 133 Registered: 08-2006

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 03:06 pm: |
Why can't this maximum image size be bumped a bit to 250 KB? After all, we are in the 21st century. Archibald Northfield, Minnesota |
Moderator Username: andrew
Post Number: 1035 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 04:08 pm: |
John, The problem with allowing the very large image sizes is not the server capacity (we have plenty of that), it's the way that it views. Have you ever opened a image and seen just the very top left corner of the image? That happens when the image is too large. In our case it will cause all the messages in that thread to grow to the width of that image and the image would only be visible in segments. Almost everyone's computer has photo editing software that comes for free with the operating system. And there are multiple online services for reducing size. Also most digital cameras can be set to take photos at a lower image resolution. Some boards will automatically reduce a file size while uploading, but ours can't to that at this time. I will look into it to see if it could. Thanks. Regards, Andrew |
Senior Member Username: ernie
Post Number: 1145 Registered: 01-2002

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 04:15 pm: |
The difference between 100K and 250K isn't really visable and they dont' really fit on the bb very well. All the pics I take are at camera max which is just less than 3 meg which is 3072 pixels on the max dimension so they need to be resized anyway. I resize by pixels not total file size. The pics I just posted of Mystic 09 were taken at just below 3 meg and resized down to 600 pixels on the maximum dimension. For posting here on the bb they have plenty of detail and are below 100K. Why do I take pics at the camera max? You can always make them smaller but you can't get good detail (make them bigger) if you didn't allow for it in the first place. I use either Adobe or a program called Photo PC 600 that came with an Epsom camera I had years ago. Also as Bob reminded us of above Andrew has put a picture resizer here for us to use. Hope this helps Ernie |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2266 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:00 pm: |
* drdetroit's - Hess 2 cycle marine engine photos.
** |
Senior Member Username: rbprice
Post Number: 285 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:53 pm: |
Solarrog - thanks for the link. You have just saved 10 bizillion hours of my time reducing photos for posting. Bob Price |
Senior Member Username: solarrog
Post Number: 397 Registered: 03-2002

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:58 pm: |
Wow 10 bizillion thats alot I can't wait for the next 9 bizillion photos |
Senior Member Username: solarrog
Post Number: 398 Registered: 03-2002

| Posted on Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 11:02 pm: |
As I look at the Hess I see some simular features of the Caille Liberty single i.e. the block shape, the timing lever, & the flywheel oh well maybe to much groog this evening |
Senior Member Username: rbprice
Post Number: 286 Registered: 11-2001

| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2010 - 10:59 am: |
Obviously the "groog" got to you.  |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2267 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2010 - 11:07 am: |
* drdetroit The engine is a "Gierholt", Late teens early twenties made mostly outboards a few inboards. 1920ca the Company changed hands and added the 4 cycle Hess engines, changed hands again 1922ca but I believe the 2 cycle engs were being mfgrd. What is the exact wording on the tag or casting that you knew it was a Hess ? with Hess name on it it would date 1920ca to 1924Ca ? Gierholt outboard
** |
Senior Member Username: bruce
Post Number: 213 Registered: 07-2002
| Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2010 - 02:09 pm: |
More Hess/gierholdt info at |
Member Username: drdetroit
Post Number: 6 Registered: 12-2009
| Posted on Monday, January 04, 2010 - 02:45 pm: |
Here is more pic's - It is a Hess as per the tag.
Member Username: drdetroit
Post Number: 7 Registered: 12-2009
| Posted on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 06:24 pm: |
Thanks for all the info guys, does anyone have a guess at the running RPM and HP to this little baby Hess? |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2271 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 06:38 pm: |
* 2 Hp and a guess is 600 Rpm ! Your first post- "seems kinda rare" may be understated ? I haven't seen another one of these inboards- ever- so maybe Rarer than Rare ! Cool little engine Thanks for posting it . ** |
Scott P Visitor
| Posted on Thursday, January 07, 2010 - 09:43 am: |
Here is some more stuff on Algonac Machine & Boat Works, which acquired Hess and Gierholtt, I think: Algonac Machine and Boat Works Michigan Industries The Algonac Machine and Boat Works has filed incorporation papers at Algonac with a capital of $125,000. The officers are: President, Jan M. Smits; Vice-President, Cordelia I. Smits; Secretary and Treasurer, J. deBruyn. This spring the company enlarged its building but finding it still too small purchased additional land. The company has installed new equipment. Michigan Investor, Vol. 19, No. 51, July 30, 1921. p. 11. With show room and shop practically equipped the Algonac Machine and Boat Works at Algonac is beginning the assembling of marine motors. The announced quota of 500 motors a season will be the limit of production for 1922. Michigan Investor, Vol. 20, No. 22, January 7, 1922. p. 13. Algonac Machine & Boat Works, Inc. New Michigan Corporations For Week Ended July 9, 1921 Algonac Machine & Boat Works, Inc., Algonac; manufacture, purchase and sale of automobiles, trucks, tractors, boats and repair of the same, Jan M. Smits, Cordelia C. Smits, J. DeBruyn, Algonac---$25,000. Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record, Vol. 28, No. 3, July 16, 1921. p. 30. Industrial Building Algonac-- The Algonac Boat & Machine Works, which only a few months ago enlarged its plant, has purchased 60 feet of additional ground for further expansion. The firm has incorporated and its capital stock is now $125,000. Jan Smits is president; Cordelia I. [C.?] Smits, vice-president; and Jock de Bruyn, secretary-treasurer. Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record, Vol. 28, No. 7, August 13, 1921. p. 14. Hess Locates at Algonac The equipment of the Hess Marine Motor Company, Detroit, has been taken over by the Algonac Machine & Boat Works, which will manufacture in Algonac for agencies throughout the world. The new enterprise will be entirely separate from the Machine and Boat Works. Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record, Vol. 28, No. 27, December 31, 1921. p. 10. New Michigan Corporations For Week Ended May 24, 1924 Notices of Dissolution Algonac Machine & Boat Works, Inc., Algonac---$25,000. Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record, Vol. 33, No. 22, May 31, 1924. p. 28. Hess Motor Company Hess Motors Corporation Hess Motor Company was a marine engine manufacturer located in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan in 1920, and reportedly incorporated that same year. The company was located at 1430 Sherman (formerly 120 or 122 Sherman?) in the city. Officers of the firm consisted of Andrew Edmiston, Jr., of Weston, West Virginia, as president, Edward W. Hett as vice-president and general manager; Harvey W. Swisher as secretary and Harry J. Hett as treasurer. Neither of the Hetts were listed as Detroit residents. Swisher??? Edmiston was a newspaper editor and subsequently a Congressman from Weston. In 1921 Swisher’s role changed to secretary-manager although Edward W. Hett was still listed as general manager. In 1922 the Hess Motor Company is listed as being located in Algonac, St. Clair County, Michigan, with Jan M. Smits as president; Cordelia G. Smits, vice-president; and Joseph de Bruyn as secretary-treasurer. They made the Hess Mono-Marine engine and electric and hand boat hoists in the factory on Water Street. Smits and his wife also owned the Algonac Machine & Boat Works and City Garage, and also lived on Water Street, as did de Bruyn. Hess Motors Corporation was an engine manufacturer located in Algonac, Michigan. The company was incorporated in February 1924 in Delaware and the officers consisted of Joseph de Bruyn of Algonac, president; I. Diepgen of New York City, vice-president; and Anthony Moeller of Algonac, secretary and treasurer. The same men served as directors of the corporation. The capital stock was authorized at $300,000, of which the amount issued was $151,000 at $10.00 per share. Jan Smits acquired Gierholtt Outboard Motor Company? Renamed it Hess? Was acquired by Algonac Machine & Boat Works Trade Name Model No. of cylinders Bore Stroke R.P.M. H.P. Weight Years Produced Notes Hess Mono-Marine Hess Propel-Oro [might be the boat name] Sources: Homfeld, Max F. 753 Manufacturers of Inboard Marine Engines (St. Michaels, MD: Max F. Homfeld, 1991.) p. 6. Polk, R. L. & Co. Polk’s Detroit City Directory, 1920-1921 (Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Co., 1920.) pp. 102, 1168, 1382. Polk, R. L. & Co. Polk’s Detroit City Directory, 1921-1922 (Detroit, MI: R. L. Polk & Co., 1921.) pp. 957, 1158. Wolverine Directory Co. Port Huron City and St. Clair County Directory, 1922 (Port Huron?, MI: Wolverine Directory Co., 1922.) pp. C5, C8, C16. |
Senior Member Username: richarddurgee
Post Number: 2275 Registered: 11-2001
| Posted on Thursday, January 07, 2010 - 08:09 pm: |
* Scott, As Always, Thanks for posting this history, I have been juggling these Co's for years trying to sort them out, your professional research has straightened it out finally ! The Little Single Gierholt Hess is a nice relic of Michigan Marine engine history ! ** |
Scott P Visitor
| Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 - 01:50 pm: |
I think Hess Motors folded as a Delaware corporation in 1929 (see Marvyn Scudder Manual of Obsolete Companies [title?]), and Jan Smits later went on to become the Service Manager for Chris-Craft Corporation. I did some more digging on Gierholtt Gas Motor Company. The name actually comes from a contraction of the names of the two principals, James B. Giern, the president and treasurer; and Anders P. Anholtt, vice-president. The secretary,John H. McDonald, was also mentioned, and he was also proprietor of McDonald Sales & Service (a Durant Motors dealership, I believe.) They are listed as being manufacturers of marine motors and pistons in Marine City, Michigan, on Belle River Avenue, in the Wolverine Directory Company's Port Huron City and St. Clair County Directory, 1922, pages C65,C51,and C73. The company was originally named Giern & Anholtt when it was in Detroit in 1918, and was a maker of dies and special tools. It was located at 33-43 St. Aubin Ave. Source: R. L. Polk & Co., Detroit City Directory, 1918. pp. 435 and 849. In the 1922 Detroit City Directory, Giern was listed as vice-president of F. J. Lamb Company and residing in Marine City, Michigan. There was no listing for Anholtt in that directory. Hope this helps, Scott Peters |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 - 12:32 pm: |
I have recently acquired an old prop made of a copper alloy with the stamp of W. Hess on it. It is obviously hand made and would like to find out more about it. |
New member Username: steven12
Post Number: 1 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 02:59 pm: |
New member Username: steven12
Post Number: 2 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 - 06:06 am: |
Member Username: jim_parrott
Post Number: 22 Registered: 06-2009
| Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 - 07:11 am: |
Steven, Can you post a couple pics from the right and rear views? Jim |
New member Username: steven12
Post Number: 3 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 - 09:16 am: |
Member Username: primetrucks
Post Number: 21 Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Monday, August 29, 2011 - 03:38 pm: |
hi can you call me about the 2hp gierholt engine i have a few questions?my nunber is 225-268-4191 thanks. |
Member Username: steven12
Post Number: 4 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 08:08 am: |
Member Username: primetrucks
Post Number: 22 Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 09:43 am: |
[email protected] is primetrucks email thanks |
Member Username: steven12
Post Number: 5 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Monday, September 05, 2011 - 08:29 am: |
Member Username: steven12
Post Number: 6 Registered: 08-2011
| Posted on Thursday, September 15, 2011 - 02:37 pm: |
| Posted on Friday, December 12, 2014 - 08:29 am: |
Gierholtt motors were offered as an option, along with Caille, on the Moto-Row motorized rowboats built by the Sydney C. McLouth Shipyard Company of Marine City, Michigan, and marketed by the Belle Isle Boat and Engine Company of Detroit (also builders of the Belle Isle Bearcats), c.1922, according to an advertisement in Popular Mechanics |
Bill V
| Posted on Sunday, November 01, 2015 - 12:35 pm: |
Gierholt-Boat engines 1920-Gierholt-Boat engines made in Marine City Community Pride and Heritage Museum |
