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Old Marine Engine » Miscellaneous  

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Brass tags64corvette03-08-25  01:58 pm
William Schallerjim_parrott03-04-25  08:41 pm
Fahrig Metaldyna08-17-24  10:37 pm
Bob Price ernie07-03-24  07:43 pm
Oilchris_spring06-13-24  10:45 am
Oilchris_spring06-12-24  06:16 pm
The Bridge Collisionmiro03-27-24  03:30 pm
Commando Big 4munzaman03-09-24  02:24 am
Very Quiet Hereklanger04-01-23  07:42 pm
Old fashion pipe sealant miro08-13-22  11:08 am
Don't Crank Your Head Off!jim_parrott08-03-22  09:53 am
466 Bedfordcanoecove04-25-22  11:19 am
Chrysler 440 Marine Enginesdrrot12-29-21  09:38 am
Holiday Greetingsjhurry12-28-21  08:53 pm
Oil mixture for a two cylinder Lockwood ashjim_parrott10-04-21  07:17 am
Large early T head engine wanteds29ebro09-14-21  09:01 am
Hurricane Ida - Louisianamiro08-29-21  06:12 pm
Brass propeller shaftmiro08-26-21  09:23 am
Help with Fagoel enginegman195808-06-21  11:41 pm
Anyone interested in marine engines in North Idaho or Washingtondavid_woodworth03-02-21  05:31 pm
Primer Cupsraa12 02-22-21  01:49 am
Custom made copper exhast gaskets ryan_brunson11 02-21-21  02:16 pm
Lombardini 1404 running problemsnicita_dikut02-10-21  08:35 am
Curtiss D12 enginechris_spring11-25-20  03:42 pm
Waterman B2 copper jacketsraa08-28-20  11:32 am
Kitchen Ruddernautibits45 07-04-20  01:51 pm
Spokane Washington collectordavid_woodworth05-28-20  09:24 pm
Gas tank toolingraa02-20-20  08:28 pm
Raw Water Strainer Questionsnarrabay10-01-19  11:46 pm
Partsgozy09-22-19  10:18 pm
Lousiana Hurricanechris_spring07-14-19  08:53 pm
Where has everyone gone to??ernie11 04-30-19  09:58 am
Water jackets miro03-04-19  09:16 pm
Ad from 1908early_iron02-05-19  04:33 am
Boat 'extra fluids' cannisters - no idea what else to call them...jb_castagnos01-26-19  05:19 pm
Fairbanks marine engineratrodz01-13-19  12:04 pm
Orie J. Mendozamiro01-10-19  07:51 am
Merry Christmas bgoss12-25-18  01:57 pm
Wet weather lately ?drrot12-07-18  08:23 am
Engine bearingsolderustfarmer10-29-18  07:41 pm
Piston Ring Problemolderustfarmer10-29-18  03:59 pm
Assortment - High Head Bolts for Salebcm10-27-18  04:12 pm
Grease Cups for Salebcm10-07-18  09:19 am
Trailer tongue extensionernie09-25-18  03:42 pm
2 hp Buffalo partsraa08-31-18  12:47 pm
Ed Bezansonernie08-12-18  07:57 am
Mitcham Motor Co.bruce08-11-18  08:18 pm
The Skidder Campbruce_g06-29-18  10:11 pm
VIRE 12 HELPjb_castagnos30 04-27-18  10:03 am
Continental Radialjb_castagnos04-11-18  10:57 pm
Big Steammiro03-29-18  08:25 am
The Winkley Co. grease cuppraa02-12-18  04:56 pm
Copper jacketraa02-09-18  03:33 pm
Concrete Ideajimdereynier02-02-18  03:30 pm
Steering stickmiro01-26-18  11:02 pm
Old Marine Engine "Store"admin01-19-18  04:00 pm
1907ldobbins01-15-18  12:02 pm
Merry Christmas ldobbins12-29-17  09:48 pm
Waterman K2 exhaust manifoldraa12-28-17  11:39 pm
Morris Marine Enginesboatenginenut11 11-14-17  09:34 am
Waterman K2 water pumpraa10-07-17  07:44 pm
Making high head boltsbillschaller09-23-17  05:02 am
Magazine Coverricharddurgee09-22-17  09:56 am
Irmaricharddurgee09-15-17  06:45 am
how to find evinrude year for motorernie474 09-11-17  07:29 pm
Outagejb_castagnos09-05-17  10:10 pm
No e-mails since Dec 31 2016 HELProbert08-25-17  11:17 am
Info needed on 1954 Hydra-power hydraulic steering unit in Century ...rickg08-02-17  04:26 pm
Using Woods Metalraa07-27-17  07:44 pm
Old Marinerobert07-11-17  09:33 pm
1927richarddurgee05-31-17  12:31 pm
1927richarddurgee05-31-17  12:28 pm
1910 Postcardricharddurgee05-20-17  05:27 pm
Studebaker Car Engines used as inboard enginesjb_castagnos13 04-29-17  06:51 pm
Chrysler Crown Paint Color & Sourcemartin cox04-25-17  12:22 pm
Fuel Return Line Requiredmoonshiner04-15-17  02:50 pm
Instrumentspuddle_duck04-03-17  04:40 am
Modag Diesel ?ralfweiser24 03-30-17  09:20 am
One of us needing everyones thoughtsraa03-18-17  07:31 pm
Reassembling engineeric52402-28-17  10:04 am
Lubrication on two cycle engineseric52402-23-17  11:04 am
How NOT to remove a stubborn shaft from a cast wheel!robert02-05-17  04:05 pm
Sad newsraa01-11-17  07:05 pm
Four cycle enginesdavid_woodworth12-31-16  12:44 am
Merry Christmas Happy Holidaysdave_myers12-25-16  05:48 pm
Four cycle marine enginedavid_woodworth10 11-25-16  09:19 pm
Engine Apprasialsrobert11-20-16  02:50 am
Marine Engine dot Comernie11-17-16  07:48 am
Donaldsonvillejb_castagnos11-13-16  07:52 pm
Carl C. Riotterobert11-13-16  05:25 pm
The Gopher outboard motoroutboardguy4411-11-16  10:18 am
Miller marine enginericharddurgee09-07-16  08:02 pm
The Searicharddurgee08-29-16  02:19 pm
Louisiana floodingjb_castagnos11 08-17-16  10:37 pm
Penta 40imackenzie08-14-16  12:01 pm
Penfold 40imackenzie08-14-16  10:16 am
Outboard Johnson/EvinrudeGreg.wiggi35 08-07-16  08:52 am
Workday at the shopmiro08-06-16  09:26 pm
LUNKENHEIMERricharddurgee06-09-16  05:16 pm
Phosphor bronze spring wire jb_castagnos06-07-16  07:42 pm
Comments from an old time boatyard ownerricharddurgee06-03-16  09:46 pm
Cover 1925richarddurgee05-30-16  06:19 pm
Old manuals for saleernie05-09-16  08:10 pm
Speed Launches that Speedricharddurgee04-27-16  10:14 am
Getting an antique style engine the really hard way.scott_n25 04-18-16  10:03 am
Bronze Wilcox Crittendon throttle quadrantkeith04-11-16  10:22 pm
Game fisher 15 hp umygirlsherry143204-10-16  04:22 pm
Conserving iron after long immersion in salt waterrobert04-09-16  02:01 am
Simple engine temp control ernie04-02-16  08:46 am
Roller & ball bearings on propshaft, Why? along with neat shaft log...gregoryan02-16-16  06:09 pm
Brass union teesraa02-08-16  07:31 pm
Underwater Exhaustsmac10 01-22-16  03:40 pm
Engines in the Housericharddurgee01-22-16  01:09 pm
museums on east coastricharddurgee01-22-16  10:35 am
If worse comes to worstricharddurgee01-18-16  11:47 am
Henry Lozierricharddurgee01-13-16  07:32 am
Holidayernie10 12-26-15  08:33 pm
Moderator helpadmin12-22-15  10:00 am
Links to ebay and Craigslisternie12-18-15  07:44 am
Peruse the MOTOR BOATricharddurgee12-09-15  01:20 pm
113 year old Machine Artricharddurgee11-25-15  12:54 pm
The Young Engineerrobert11-19-15  11:03 am
Posting Videosricharddurgee11-06-15  11:39 am
Folk Artgregoryan11-04-15  12:10 am
1931richarddurgee11-01-15  05:43 pm
Erd engine informationmiro11 10-24-15  06:57 pm
106 Years Agoricharddurgee10-17-15  07:57 am
Chrysler Outboard Corp. hanshijc97 08-30-15  10:25 pm
Hicks Engine plans and marketing materials archivestringybark08-14-15  08:44 pm
Isn't it time we had a database of manuals and catalogs for downloa...stringybark08-12-15  09:33 pm
Marine Oil Engine Handbook 3rd edition (1914) uploaded to archive.o...ernie08-12-15  11:58 am
Sabb Model GT Variable Pitch Propelleraknetman07-31-15  03:08 pm
Oil in Gasolinericharddurgee07-18-15  08:42 am
Thornycroft 6cyl 75hp Petrol/Paraffin marine Enginessmnco3707-14-15  02:26 pm
Question for Restorersjohnoxley10 06-17-15  05:32 pm
Evinrude Serial number Questionsernie06-09-15  07:17 pm
koban outboard motorfoxman05-27-15  08:44 pm
Packing glandjb_castagnos05-20-15  10:50 pm
Steering wheeldavid_woodworth05-20-15  09:19 pm
Is this half of a prop shaft coupling?wrenchguy04-21-15  08:43 pm
Books & Magazineshmmjr04-10-15  01:24 pm
Add info. #hmmjr03-29-15  02:24 pm
Older Evinrude Outboardhmmjr03-29-15  02:10 pm
Frisco Standard Engine Info neededLisa 03-26-15  02:45 pm
Simonericharddurgee03-10-15  04:20 pm
Dynastart for saleeric02-27-15  07:53 am
Old Bearingsmatt_morehouse10 02-23-15  10:03 am
"Lookin Foreward"jb_castagnos02-20-15  07:38 pm
Mr Jones Makes a Decisionricharddurgee10 02-18-15  03:35 pm
Lister Petterjiggernaught02-05-15  12:37 pm
Propeller sizing guru neededmiro02-03-15  06:10 pm
Kahlenberg Engine Parts Neededraa01-31-15  08:57 pm
Interesting bits and piecesrobert10 01-31-15  07:25 pm
Motor Boatingrobert01-31-15  07:17 pm
Interesting Readingrobert01-31-15  07:16 pm
G M 16-248 verticle crankshaft engineernie01-31-15  09:35 am
Marine Engine Manufacturers by Statericharddurgee01-31-15  07:06 am
Marine Dynamometersricharddurgee01-18-15  01:27 pm
Blame The Motor Boat Bugricharddurgee01-17-15  01:40 pm
The Launching of a Motor Boatjb_castagnos12-27-14  08:17 am
MotorBoating Coverricharddurgee12-23-14  06:53 pm
MotorBoatricharddurgee11-21-14  01:36 pm
REVISED LISTINGrbprice11-16-14  03:57 pm
Engine Service Companyjohnny11-15-14  04:45 pm
Other Projectsricharddurgee11-03-14  12:33 pm
Lockwood has pastraa10-16-14  07:32 pm
1955 7.5 Evinrude Fleetwin Aquasonic maluzzi10-11-14  03:57 pm
Baird Manufacturing in Detroit, early 1900'sernie11 10-03-14  08:11 am
2012 EVINRUDE E-TEC 300HP 30 INCH SHAFT DIRECT INJECTED 2-STROKE O...outboard6109-28-14  11:32 am
Storm Mfg Co.steve uehling10 09-05-14  11:26 pm
Motor IDernie07-28-14  11:55 am
Needed part for G 9 10HP Saab Dieselcapt07-26-14  03:01 pm
Regal Marine ENgineslhaynie07-19-14  03:48 pm
Iron duke engineJoe Shearey30 06-28-14  10:29 pm
Manuals for Lister Blackstone E R S Series Marine Diesel enginespirate06-25-14  03:09 am
Tiller/rudder armwhifco06-04-14  06:50 pm
Infodoctora06-03-14  04:29 pm
Engine Specifications - Motor Boating 1939jed05-17-14  04:08 am
Lemons for rust removalgrr05-12-14  06:59 pm
K1, 3HP, 2 STROKE WATERMOTAivor05-09-14  03:51 pm
St Marysricharddurgee05-07-14  10:23 pm
Bolinder images needed for Museum Exhibitmontlewis04-23-14  10:55 am
Why Ships Are She'smiro04-11-14  09:09 pm
Evinrude 100hpargyllbill03-27-14  01:50 pm
Comet ad for sale on Harrys pageernie01-18-14  09:40 am
Back To The Riverricharddurgee01-14-14  04:49 pm
Real Sweet Tool Setricharddurgee01-05-14  06:25 pm
Tuttle Motor Co. infoCarlos Royal10 12-28-13  01:24 am
Winter Ironmiro12-27-13  08:24 am
HAPPY HOLIDAYSklanger11 12-26-13  03:29 am
Rudderricharddurgee12-21-13  09:11 am
The MotorBoatricharddurgee12-19-13  06:32 am
Motor Boating Coverricharddurgee12-17-13  11:31 am
Motor Boating 1912raa12-16-13  08:19 pm
Motor Boatingricharddurgee12-15-13  09:56 am
Outboard Volvo Pentaverken U21falconbe12-12-13  03:38 am
Brass pipe & fittings availablethomas12-04-13  06:22 am
Pulling keysraa12-03-13  09:48 pm
Ceroloy(woods metal)jb_castagnos12-03-13  07:56 pm
Muffler designivor11-30-13  05:29 pm
Hope Springsricharddurgee11-20-13  10:48 am
OLD GOAT TEE SHIRTSrbprice11-05-13  08:30 am
Little Dorothy Cogitatesricharddurgee11-02-13  07:54 am
Commer TS3 2Stroke Diesel Engineeric_schulz10-30-13  06:56 pm
Need Scripps enginerljms10-24-13  10:14 am
Fairbanks Morse 37 E 16Ed & Bert10-15-13  03:43 pm
Help reqd re Perkins 6.354.4 What hp? Year made? Where?spyfish09-27-13  11:28 am
Blakely Boat Motormassey6510 09-12-13  07:43 am
SAE 40 FOR WATERMOTA, 2 STROKE, 3HPivor08-10-13  03:39 pm
Technology 1920richarddurgee08-08-13  04:26 pm
Hepl find primetrucks08-06-13  09:46 pm
Dynastart regulator aftermarket solutionaknetman10 07-16-13  12:32 am
SGE Co. Manifoldsearcher06-21-13  06:08 pm
Salt water versus soft water used in engines.jb_castagnos06-14-13  12:51 am
Penetrating Oilsmiltonpark06-13-13  08:34 am
Discharge partsearcher06-12-13  10:19 pm
Engine paintklanger06-04-13  10:58 pm
Lots of info in Google Booksbruce05-22-13  09:24 am
How To Signalricharddurgee04-15-13  01:03 pm
Bucking The Tidericharddurgee04-15-13  12:47 pm
Sad Newsrbprice03-28-13  10:28 am
Steve Foxkeith03-27-13  09:19 pm
Photos I likebillschaller03-25-13  02:11 am
Thank you Andrewdick03-12-13  09:21 am
Titanic Engine Underwaterricharddurgee03-10-13  01:58 pm
Sad Newslarry_from_maryland03-05-13  11:32 am
Traditional Wooden Boatsiceberg252002-25-13  07:30 pm
How to clean up gas/oil exhaust on antique engines?larwebb02-19-13  01:45 pm
Need information for a seemingly bizarre projectjb_castagnos02-17-13  11:12 am
Freeze Crack VS. Salt Crackjb_castagnos14 02-08-13  07:13 pm
Posting pictureskeith02-08-13  10:08 am
Crane PullerBryan Parker01-29-13  09:28 pm
1909 Book, "Marine Gasoline Engines: A Practical Treatise"acn25001-16-13  11:12 am
Nameplates/tagssearcher01-11-13  04:58 pm
1939-41 Evinrude Elto Matebruce01-08-13  10:30 pm
Pipe thread fittings - alignmentbruce01-07-13  12:33 pm
High Crown Hex boltsjim_parrott01-03-13  07:25 am
Cable Steering rogerd01-02-13  05:27 pm
Books and Manuals availableernie01-01-13  10:35 am
Watermota Shrimp Wantedsteveng12-28-12  06:36 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASernie12-25-12  08:31 pm
Herrmann Engineering Co.richarddurgee12-22-12  11:30 am
Questions about Velvet drives and Chrysler 225's...Dan Hammer12-14-12  08:38 pm
K1 WATERMOTAivor11-24-12  03:29 pm
Sandyjimmys11 11-02-12  12:39 pm
Two Cycle Engine Cooling Water Regulationbruce27 10-31-12  02:04 pm
House Enginesricharddurgee13 10-18-12  10:36 pm
Paxman Ricardo 12 TPM manualplynlimon10-15-12  09:24 am
Spring CMM Show.richardday09-28-12  10:31 am
5 HP Simplex barreljlbyrnes46409-11-12  08:47 pm
Evinrude motor plate Information requestsirsparksalot09-05-12  05:02 pm
Louisiana jim_parrott08-30-12  05:40 pm
Scanning old books and magazinesrobert08-29-12  11:51 am
Cleaning Brasskeith08-27-12  09:35 am
1919, 1920s, 1930, 1945-50 Pacific Marine Review Magazinesbud_tierney08-25-12  04:41 pm
T-Shirts AGAINrbprice41 08-02-12  09:14 am
Sad newsaudie07-31-12  12:34 pm
Power Boating Cover 1908richarddurgee07-31-12  12:18 pm
Buehler turbocraftVisitorX07-30-12  05:46 pm
What to do with an Antiaue Marine Engineernie07-29-12  08:14 pm
St. lawrence copper head gasketsprimetrucks07-25-12  09:48 pm
Spark plugsrichardday07-11-12  08:44 pm
Waterman K2 water pump castingraa07-07-12  07:53 pm
Oversized Pistonsernie06-27-12  12:44 pm
Lake Minnetonka MNjim_parrott06-14-12  09:26 am
Albin_0411_40hpklop06-10-12  05:54 am
5hp Acadia - Looking for water jacketblack_islander06-06-12  06:05 pm
FOR SALE BRIT 5 HPkeithy05-28-12  03:09 am
Oil Cupsearcher05-22-12  02:35 pm
Primer Cupssearcher17 05-16-12  03:57 pm
Got cut again.larry_from_maryland05-02-12  08:18 am
Interesting Priming Cuplarry_from_maryland05-01-12  04:25 pm
Logging onM Mouse04-22-12  03:04 pm
Evinrude Motor IDthediggerdog03-23-12  08:49 pm
Lathe/milling machinemiro03-17-12  12:04 pm
Sad newsmike_collin03-12-12  08:44 pm
J.B. Motorsernie03-12-12  07:33 am
My Electrolysis bath.billschaller03-10-12  08:16 am
Know Someone Who Makes Tooling?hal103-09-12  06:09 am
I survived triple heart bypasslarry_from_maryland02-21-12  11:23 am
Rust removaldavey100015 02-21-12  07:57 am
Engine or motor??senojn12 02-08-12  05:36 pm
Value-bilt changelarry_from_maryland02-08-12  05:35 pm
Get a Motor Boatrbprice02-08-12  11:05 am
Political Messagericharddurgee02-08-12  08:12 am
Frasse Britton Primer Cupssearcher02-01-12  09:13 pm
Brass cleaningrobert12 01-28-12  06:50 pm
Piston corroded into cylinderrobert01-28-12  06:44 pm
Shear Pin Couplingricharddurgee01-15-12  11:40 pm
Over Beyondricharddurgee01-14-12  09:08 am
The Screw Propeller Inventormiro01-13-12  12:29 pm
Broadwater Marine Stovesmariner01-11-12  11:12 pm
Inboard engine paint colorsAudie01-04-12  03:27 pm
Looking For The Right Outboard!tereshechko01-04-12  01:45 pm
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidaysjohnny12-27-11  10:01 pm
New York Yacht, Launch and Engine Co.Jim Cross12-03-11  10:51 am
Lauson LF 818 crankshaft rod journaljziegler11-17-11  12:03 pm
Arrow K2 marine engineraa11-14-11  10:16 pm
Arrow clutchjziegler_211-12-11  05:15 pm
Restoration of wooden hulldoctorbigdaddy12 10-23-11  10:23 am
Does anyone recognize this water pump for sale?robert10-10-11  08:54 pm
St Lawrencericharddurgee09-15-11  12:19 pm
Year of motormerccrazy09-14-11  07:49 pm
Some things never changeprimetrucks09-12-11  05:44 pm
1956 Johnson 5.5hp piston ring end gapernie09-07-11  08:06 am
Information on outboardcraigaus09-04-11  09:24 pm
Johnson Seahorse 18 Questionernie09-03-11  08:36 am
C H Blomstromprimetrucks09-02-11  03:16 pm
STEEL BOAT LEANING TO PORT SIDEgonzo08-01-11  10:58 pm
Evenrudedaifish07-11-11  03:50 pm
9.9 Evinrude Outboardernie07-09-11  07:05 pm
Engine Test Benchbcm22 07-01-11  02:23 pm
old outboard motorRobert Lummas21 06-28-11  05:14 am
Bronze Bearings/Bushingsernie06-24-11  08:19 am
Can I legally do thisgonzo06-14-11  10:33 pm
Would like to find one of these in a barnandrew05-16-11  08:52 pm
Evinrude Alto 1937 1.4HPsolarrog05-15-11  01:51 pm
Dick Day and tornadorichardday05-05-11  12:56 pm
Sad Newsart04-17-11  12:40 pm
The Bell Bouyricharddurgee04-08-11  06:05 am
A Ballad of Gasolinebuzz04-05-11  10:23 am
My old evinrude sportwin needs identificationCole Elmendorf04-04-11  08:39 pm
Looking for info: McCulloch "Golden Touch" electric start motor...77amc03-22-11  03:36 pm
Vintage sears roebuck 2 hp outboardresiw03-21-11  05:09 pm
If It Belongs On A Boat "Shad" Has Itbillschaller03-15-11  11:21 pm
Neat shaft restoration tipernie03-07-11  08:28 am
WaterMota Sea Urchin 3HP Inboardhenry quarrel03-07-11  06:47 am
1969 Chrysler M 440shilpisch02-28-11  10:44 am
Boat Housepaulgray02-14-11  03:30 pm
1912 A Good Yearbillschaller01-23-11  10:53 pm
Marine Engines 1930sdave_myers01-23-11  06:35 pm
Busy New Yearmiro13 01-10-11  10:02 pm
Did Stover make marine enginessearcher01-08-11  04:55 pm
Electric Watch Dogsearcher01-08-11  04:38 pm
Johnson MotorsSteven Fox01-07-11  09:44 pm
A Different Lozierricharddurgee01-04-11  06:43 am
Two cycle speed controljohnny12-31-10  10:49 pm
Koban Rowboat Motorricharddurgee12-29-10  07:38 am
Thoughts of springsearcher12-28-10  09:23 pm
Happy Holidays scott_n12-23-10  07:21 am
Welding cast ironmiro12-08-10  04:41 pm
1936 Ö.M.Y.C. Inboard Handicap Medallionspence12-08-10  10:35 am
Finding the year of my outboard motorRafael Bermudez11-21-10  06:35 pm
Cosworth/Mercury outboard racing head assembliesbudlavance11-20-10  09:43 am
Made the paper last wed.biggene11-13-10  11:27 pm
Oil ?dmurzic10-18-10  11:56 am
Watkins pumpjb_castagnos09-17-10  09:34 pm
Johnson Sea Horse Outboardandrew09-17-10  04:12 pm
Lister JP6M marine Dieselcliveb09-01-10  08:11 pm
Thrust Bearingssearcher08-25-10  12:08 pm
F-GOTA 5-12HPporkypig08-18-10  12:24 pm
British motor boat enginebristol 2008-16-10  05:40 am
How to find the year on a evinrude motorwayne hollis08-11-10  07:19 pm
Sabb Model H (8HP) details and photosaknetman07-27-10  01:14 pm
United Engine Co, Lansing MIed_s07-26-10  05:29 am
Compression on a 1983 evinrude 115 v4henro06-26-10  12:57 pm
Swartman Boats and Buffalo enginesMike Smith06-04-10  11:59 am
SPEEDricharddurgee06-04-10  12:45 am
I would like to know how to manually start a 1983 Evinrude motor? henro06-02-10  07:38 pm
Kermath Logo neededfrank_petran05-29-10  05:13 pm
Starter/Generatorfrank_petran05-26-10  09:08 pm
Time-Sertsricharddurgee05-22-10  02:46 pm
Chrysler outboard IDandrew05-10-10  07:36 pm
Marine hardwareyushung05-10-10  09:34 am
Firestone outboard motorRick Robinson12 05-09-10  08:50 am
What happed today.larry_from_maryland05-08-10  06:04 pm
Everlasting Planricharddurgee05-03-10  01:59 pm
Summertimericharddurgee04-28-10  11:27 am
"B" series Waterman Copper Water Jacketskeith04-23-10  02:59 pm
New articles on Corrosion in Saltwater marine enginesmarks20 04-22-10  06:47 pm
ZDDP oil additive - a problem for our old engines?robert04-20-10  04:16 pm
Winston Stinsonlaurie_d04-11-10  11:58 pm
St Lawrence Engine Web Sitericharddurgee04-11-10  03:41 pm
Searching for a Water Pump.dave_carter10 04-09-10  06:15 pm
How much oil? Lauson outboard enginedarby_cohen04-09-10  02:10 am
Bandsaw Blade Sharpeningrobert03-22-10  12:03 pm
St Patty's Day "Toot"richarddurgee03-20-10  09:04 am
Tewkesbury navigation & marineandrew03-12-10  11:08 am
Old Evinrude, looking for yr modelmicky willson02-25-10  11:56 am
NOCARBricharddurgee16 02-24-10  12:36 pm
Wanted: Brass Air Induction Hornsteve_fox02-20-10  04:47 pm
The Other Womanricharddurgee02-09-10  07:55 pm
High & Drydan195002-09-10  03:28 pm
Succsession of our hobbyrobert17 02-09-10  02:13 pm
Tewkesbury Navigation and Marine Cosfrancis3602-07-10  10:01 pm
Engines in the Housescott_n01-22-10  05:00 pm
Source for engines sounds on tape for a friendcaribneptune01-21-10  07:13 pm
MotorBoat 1909richarddurgee01-15-10  11:16 am
Dealing With High Fuel Costslaurie_d01-05-10  12:11 am
Pure Oil Company richarddurgee12-29-09  12:21 pm
Various Marine Ads From Rod & Gunbgoss12-28-09  02:56 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASandrew12-27-09  10:21 am
Old mercurybruce12-05-09  01:49 pm
Aerothrust pusher prop outboardmonsueur_aerothrust46 12-04-09  10:01 pm
Chrysler force 250 sailor 9.9 motorfirestorm10t11-24-09  04:49 pm
Wet sand blasting.sului11 11-06-09  02:23 am
1925 New York Boat Showsearcher10-31-09  09:05 pm
Research Help For A Novel, Pleasedmcronin10-26-09  09:11 pm
The Motor Boat Bugricharddurgee10-26-09  10:59 am
LARINDA FATErbprice10-19-09  07:18 am
Good Advicericharddurgee10-18-09  07:43 pm
Volvo penta 170 overheatingboatpaul10-16-09  10:39 pm
The Breeches Boys Pull a Flivverricharddurgee10-16-09  03:52 pm
Stuck Enginejb_castagnos10-16-09  06:48 am
Winterizationernie10-13-09  09:00 pm
Oiler on the Intake Manifoldernie09-28-09  03:07 pm
Chrysler Sailor 250 Outboard wiring queryTom Miller09-28-09  10:27 am
Chapman & Sherack Super Pupkiwi09-24-09  10:54 pm
Visible exhaust, two stroke enginebarry09-15-09  08:04 pm
APHROSricharddurgee09-10-09  04:40 pm
Skids for marine enginesscott_n09-02-09  08:27 am
Gray Marine Phantom 45steve elmer08-20-09  10:14 am
1961 Buehler Jetdrive 4Saleloufamoso08-12-09  12:21 pm
Water pump greasescott_n08-03-09  08:01 am
Reintroducing Sabb type engineslboyle07-29-09  12:47 pm
Evinrude Fastwinmike smith07-21-09  04:40 pm
2 cycle engine main bearing grease - updateernie07-18-09  04:02 pm
THE CAMPBELL GAS ENGINE CO. LTD. ,HALIFAX, ENGLAND - Producer GasToni Bagley07-17-09  02:35 am
Gib Keymiro07-08-09  09:11 pm
Mystic seaport engine collectionmiro07-08-09  09:48 am
Loyola College 1920richarddurgee06-27-09  01:24 pm
Hiawatha, mod#35om125-7959 need connecting rodsolarrog06-17-09  06:39 pm
Fageol 44 V.I.P.58coltvip06-11-09  12:34 pm
Engine For Sale 1917richarddurgee06-03-09  10:02 am
On This Very Special Dayricharddurgee05-25-09  11:32 am
Siebe gorman diving pumpbristol2005-17-09  06:43 am
Motor cleaningrobert05-16-09  01:46 pm
New Project - Frisbie 3 Cylindergeorge_iv05-13-09  08:49 am
Bridport on ebaybristol2005-12-09  04:49 am
" HOW FAST "searcher05-06-09  03:02 pm
Wet sand blastingrobert05-02-09  12:30 pm
Head and Block Repairdennis welch05-01-09  12:36 am
AC gasoline fuel pump 114711ernie04-19-09  07:35 pm
Do it Nowricharddurgee04-16-09  05:28 am
Bronze Boatbruce03-25-09  10:46 pm
Engine Lubricationrichardday03-21-09  10:24 am
Patentssearcher03-12-09  11:51 pm
Crossley diesel enginemaples03-11-09  10:44 am
Lycoming old-timer, Dick Clark?John Baeke03-11-09  10:41 am
GLENIFFER 1912, teak motor yachtboathouse03-04-09  12:53 pm
Vire(Valmet) 6 hp manualnarrau03-02-09  09:03 pm
Used Marine Engine Classifieds 1911searcher02-23-09  08:25 am
Reluctant crewrichardday02-08-09  04:33 pm
Universal Jointlarry_from_maryland02-03-09  06:21 pm
The "S' Word is Nautical richarddurgee01-31-09  07:00 pm
Marine plugs VS conventionial plugsernie01-30-09  08:03 am
There's Always Some Way Outricharddurgee01-27-09  12:27 am
Water squirterburns3201-13-09  11:48 pm
AKA ESSENCEricharddurgee01-10-09  12:41 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASpeterogborne12-30-08  06:31 am
Engine hauling needed to mysticprimetrucks12-16-08  05:25 pm
Cleanin out the garageernie11-28-08  06:19 pm
Thayer & Company Lynda Tygard Grow11-27-08  02:54 pm
Country or State as a part of the user profile.keith11-06-08  03:09 pm
Should we include engines later than 1940 on this site..?eddie19 11-03-08  01:54 pm
Help Pleasenasher10-27-08  07:27 pm
R.N. Marine Diesel Enginesfburns202710-23-08  06:18 pm
Vire 12 parts/ info on how to findedruddri10-22-08  07:25 am
ID. of 9.9 evinrude outboard JERRY TAYLOR10-20-08  08:41 pm
Lozier New Headquarters 1905richarddurgee10-19-08  05:50 pm
Compound oilerdoug_charles10-15-08  11:32 pm
GustavDickie Gibbens13 09-19-08  09:42 am
volvo early enginesJohn McLaughlin30 09-17-08  08:53 pm
Lead in gasmiro09-15-08  05:02 pm
Info./Pic's,etc. on 1947Scott-Atwater firestone outboard.strapper09-10-08  03:10 am
Brass Bow lightmvictor_be09-09-08  07:03 pm
Hard Water Pump Greaserichardday09-04-08  05:52 pm
Jet boat ridelarry_from_maryland09-02-08  07:13 pm
Evinrude light twin serial numberboyofdog08-05-08  09:50 pm
Evenrude boyofdog08-05-08  09:08 pm
Pipe fittingssearcher07-27-08  09:50 pm
Straightening brasskerrigan10 07-09-08  05:25 pm
Electrolysis parts cleaningernie07-08-08  06:46 am
Nothing newsearcher06-23-08  12:26 am
Marine Engine Starter 1918jb_castagnos06-15-08  06:30 am
Cool Spark Plug 1918richarddurgee06-14-08  11:40 am
Lathrop 6 hp singlebpineo05-29-08  07:34 am
2 blade Propellor mvictor_be05-28-08  03:34 pm
Fuel Terminologybluecometk11 05-17-08  10:10 pm
Price of 1960 Johnson Motorkboltm05-04-08  07:15 pm
Chris Craft K Engine MountsjamesOsler04-24-08  04:51 pm
Electric start for 2 cycle enginebarry15 04-19-08  07:36 pm
Swedish marine motor historical societyJohn Kennedy04-16-08  07:11 pm
PARTS FOR MACHANICAL TACHOMETERjamesosler04-13-08  06:34 pm
What's it worth ?Brian Kukulies04-11-08  07:30 am
Tach Gaugejamesosler04-08-08  10:53 pm
B.F.SturtevantRobert Bochroch04-08-08  06:56 pm
Clae gearboxtodd_vidgen04-08-08  08:12 am
Derrogation of Red Deisel in UK Nov 2008?denboy04-01-08  05:33 pm
Trying to Save a Few Bucks on Fuelpeterogborne03-24-08  05:52 pm
Evinrude eltobinks03-20-08  06:01 am
Houma, Louisiana 1918jb_castagnos03-05-08  06:35 am
Rebuilt Marine Engines For Sale 1920richarddurgee03-04-08  09:30 pm
Librarian needs help!!karenysue03-03-08  01:32 pm
Anodized?jb_castagnos02-11-08  09:22 pm
This discussion board.....mannerspeterogborne01-29-08  11:29 pm
Photographing documentssearcher01-23-08  02:17 pm
Eatonrunaboutkaybo01-18-08  09:26 am
Real Nice Examples From Bermudabgoss01-17-08  08:33 pm
Adjusting carbs on KBL Chris Craftwlegett01-16-08  02:34 pm
Is Art De Kalb still in business?peterogborne01-16-08  05:28 am
Evinrude rowboat motor freshwater01-12-08  02:13 pm
CIESSrobert12-18-07  01:03 pm
UNKNOWN BRAND LOGOalezb12-17-07  09:49 pm
Perkins marine diesel 6.354 (1971)dinko zanki12-17-07  03:36 pm
Old Outboard47safirestone12-13-07  12:44 pm
Old Boat to Newer Trailerlarry_from_maryland12-11-07  12:32 pm
Combustion Principlesernie11 12-07-07  03:59 pm
Pre-oil before startingFrank Johnson11-08-07  02:10 pm
-- Hot Stove Yachtmen --richarddurgee11-07-07  11:36 pm
Enameled Engine Badgesldobbins10 11-06-07  04:44 pm
Dick Day Article hot off the presses of CBMMernie10 10-31-07  09:41 am
Lozier Engine Plant for sale 1921andrew10-31-07  09:04 am
Splittin' Th' Windricharddurgee10-30-07  11:19 pm
S6m perkinsrasmus196210-24-07  09:44 am
Simple Simon 1913richarddurgee10-23-07  07:49 am
Vincent air cooled inboard enginernp10-09-07  07:49 am
The Searicharddurgee10-06-07  09:19 am
1953-54 evinrude motorlarry10-05-07  08:10 pm
Gib Key Sourcericharddurgee10-05-07  06:45 pm
I'll Back To My Sea Again ...richarddurgee09-28-07  03:14 pm
Crosstown Engines Toronto Canadaminnehaha09-25-07  09:55 am
Looking for transom clamp screw - Evinrude 4.5 outboard, 1980sAlex is09-24-07  08:39 pm
What is cylinder oil?ernie08-29-07  11:53 am
Gone a-Huntingricharddurgee08-06-07  11:59 am
Brass/bronze treatmentjb_castagnos07-22-07  11:44 pm
Perkins sm6 dieselsrasmus196207-19-07  05:27 am
Dave Reedlarry_from_maryland07-07-07  09:06 pm
1953 CHRYSLER ROYAL M48 ENGINE PARTSphillip_carlton07-05-07  08:26 pm
The Rule Of The Roadrbprice07-03-07  08:14 pm
Boat graveyardkjscott05-18-07  11:27 pm
Shaft Couplers 1907richarddurgee05-14-07  11:47 pm
Gray Phantom PH-6244 For Salebruce04-24-07  07:43 pm
Where to find motor value?solarrog04-22-07  11:47 pm
S6m perkinsrasmus196204-15-07  10:13 am
Wild Ridesearcher04-03-07  09:25 pm
Detroit Force Feed Lubricator Photosjohnny03-30-07  09:07 am
Boat Racing "The Handi Cap"richarddurgee03-26-07  01:49 pm
Spring is Here " Up and Away "richarddurgee03-23-07  04:38 pm
Grease cupsearcher03-14-07  01:52 pm
Chris Craft Prop codesJoe Yednasty03-12-07  11:13 pm
Scott- Atwater outboard service manual for sale - Ebaybeardedskipper03-09-07  08:25 pm
Compressible copper gaskets for antique engines.richardday03-01-07  04:59 pm
Gas Ratio for Johnson 5.5hp CD-17ernie03-01-07  07:43 am
I am searching for good pictures from the first Mianus enginericharddurgee02-23-07  07:20 pm
Oil/gas in two-cycle engine crankcasebarry11 02-22-07  07:46 pm
O.T. emailjb_castagnos02-17-07  06:46 am
Rebuilt Marine engines 1924solarrog02-14-07  12:41 am
A smell to attract the addictsernie02-13-07  01:35 pm
Manzel Oiler glassdick5602-11-07  02:09 am
Marine Engine Valve Grinderricharddurgee02-10-07  03:27 pm
Gray marine risersfishmon01-27-07  01:51 pm
The Tale Of A Modern Jonahsolarrog01-22-07  01:37 pm
The Tale Of A Modern Jonahricharddurgee01-22-07  01:32 pm
Engine tag restorationrobert01-07-07  04:11 pm
Priming cups neededjb_castagnos12-30-06  09:02 pm
The Builderricharddurgee12-30-06  01:06 pm
Compressible Copper head and exhaust gaskets.richardday12-28-06  06:11 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASgeorge_iv12-27-06  10:39 pm
Exhaust Mufflers for 2 cycle enginesbarry12-27-06  10:08 am
Christmas Greetingsrichardday12-25-06  06:39 am
Exhaust Manifoldsearcher11-20-06  09:03 am
There should be a lawandrew11-13-06  09:15 am
Atlantic engine on Discovery Intn'tlfree swinger persona11-10-06  04:43 pm
Piston oversizeingfree swinger persona11-10-06  04:37 pm
Boating Cover 1908free swinger persona11-10-06  04:23 pm
1893 Daimler Marine Engine Catalogue on eBay - see link!free swinger persona11-10-06  04:01 pm
Atwater Kentfree swinger persona11-10-06  03:53 pm
OME T-Shirtsfree swinger persona11-10-06  03:20 pm
New workshopfree swinger persona11-10-06  02:59 pm
Bucking The Tidefree swinger persona11-10-06  02:54 pm
Plight of the Schooner Larindafree swinger persona11-10-06  02:54 pm
cylinder sleevingfree swinger persona18 11-10-06  02:47 pm
Waterman Marine Motor Co. & Arrow Motor & Machine Co.free swinger persona11-10-06  02:44 pm
CHRISTMAS PASTfree swinger persona11-10-06  02:36 pm
"Additional OME resouces and readingfree swinger persona11-10-06  02:20 pm
Solomons island burns.free swinger persona11-10-06  02:10 pm
Off Topic... sort of..free swinger persona11-10-06  01:57 pm
Wet sandblastingfree swinger persona11-10-06  01:47 pm
Off Topic but neaternie11-10-06  07:33 am
The Motor Supremericharddurgee11-04-06  09:38 am
Heave Ho !richarddurgee10-31-06  12:36 am
Cleaning brasssearcher10-22-06  01:00 am
Homeward Bound 1906richarddurgee10-18-06  01:22 pm
New Zealand bound Yankeegangbang teen10 10-16-06  02:34 pm
Seaweedgangbang teen10-16-06  02:09 pm
Old engines replacedrichardday14 10-10-06  09:37 pm
Sears store Motorol?audie09-24-06  10:34 am
Maryland tugboatlarry_from_maryland09-17-06  01:33 pm
Help Needed With VICTA super jetsir_bat09-09-06  07:38 pm
Brass thru-hull syphon bilge?jw_smietana09-06-06  07:27 am
Motorboat Electric Light Outfits 1905richarddurgee09-02-06  01:55 pm
Poor Richard, sailing versionernie08-02-06  12:24 pm
Chrysler Crown V drive wantedmotorboat08-02-06  08:53 am
Old gas in an engine.richardday07-25-06  09:25 pm
Where should I look for help with this problemrichardday17 07-23-06  06:48 pm
Sunapee Cabin Cruiser Plansernie07-13-06  07:46 am
Chrysler M48 Water Pump?Dave P07-12-06  06:50 pm
The Kick of The Pope's Mule searcher06-25-06  09:33 pm
Canadian Shippingernie06-22-06  08:27 pm
Year of boatfoxman06-20-06  07:18 pm
Johnson sea horse 2 HELPfoxman06-20-06  07:14 pm
J.B.'s Eccentric Photosjb_castagnos06-15-06  09:35 pm
Engines For Sale 97 Years Agoricharddurgee06-15-06  05:15 pm
B Z Z Z Z Zricharddurgee06-11-06  10:04 pm
1966 Lonestar Mustang Engine Replacement Helpkeeperofacheron06-09-06  03:32 pm
1907 Belle Islericharddurgee06-03-06  08:55 pm
OIler filler plugssearcher05-28-06  03:20 pm
Searching for information on-location of this Champion Hulljen05-19-06  09:41 pm
Volvo Penta 120C Saildrivebeau_v05-09-06  10:43 pm
Gas tank cleaningmiro05-03-06  01:59 pm
That Wonderful Zone-"Ozone"richarddurgee04-24-06  01:54 pm
Antique Mowerslawnmowers04-20-06  10:34 pm
AC 855573 fuel pump rebuild kitBrad Ernst04-16-06  06:41 pm
Parting out enginessearcher04-11-06  09:30 pm
Making piston ringspeterogborne10 03-14-06  07:13 am
Whats This ??poker casino2524 03-06-06  07:40 pm
Copper and Brass polishingpoker casino32503-06-06  07:28 pm
removing rust ...........the bread method .poker casino29803-06-06  07:25 pm
Hurricanes poker casino21203-06-06  07:18 pm
Vire marine enginepoker casino82003-06-06  07:14 pm
Book: From My Old Boatshoppoker casino34003-06-06  07:12 pm
HURRICANESpoker casino70603-06-06  07:11 pm
Newfoundland Engine Songs...poker casino15203-06-06  06:54 pm
Models of Hicks engines and Monterey fishboats available...poker casino57703-06-06  06:49 pm
Nickel Platingpoker casino21903-06-06  06:45 pm
An Old Picture Challengepoker casino82123 03-06-06  06:29 pm
A.J Houle Motor Workspoker casino82903-06-06  06:27 pm
Boat Builders on Long Islandpoker casino24403-06-06  06:25 pm
fixing a cutlass bearingpoker casino23003-06-06  06:23 pm
Safety wirepoker casino73310 03-06-06  06:18 pm
Rudder magazine indexpoker casino60203-06-06  06:17 pm
Explosion Whistlepoker casino69503-06-06  06:16 pm
Lockwood-Ash Spark Plugspoker casino96403-06-06  05:58 pm
Winter Has Arrived......poker casino1003-06-06  04:52 pm
Michigan Engine Builder Resourcespoker casino2903-06-06  04:31 pm
ERD Motors ending datepoker casino59903-06-06  04:31 pm
3 HP Lathrop engine - pre 1940poker casino23303-06-06  04:21 pm
Half round Aluminumpoker casino47803-06-06  04:20 pm
Amp Meterpoker casino35603-06-06  04:15 pm
Fat Fastenerspoker casino16703-06-06  04:13 pm
Fillerspoker casino8003-06-06  04:12 pm
Marine Engine and Machine Co, Harrison, NJ ?poker casino72720 03-06-06  04:09 pm
lawn mower power.poker casino34215 03-06-06  04:08 pm
Jacksonville, FL dealershippoker casino7803-06-06  04:08 pm
Haul up shaft questionpoker casino94103-06-06  04:03 pm
SS LUGWORMpoker casino35610 03-06-06  02:36 pm
This is the kind of response to your classified adverts that should...poker casino11503-06-06  02:26 pm
Water Blaster with Abrasive attachmentpoker casino57614 03-06-06  02:24 pm
Info on deisel engines poker casino41003-06-06  01:52 pm
Rum Runnerspoker casino35203-06-06  01:41 pm
rebuilding grease cup trickpoker casino22303-06-06  01:39 pm
beware of buying scampoker casino57103-06-06  01:38 pm
Motorboatpoker casino60203-06-06  01:37 pm
Bielers auctionpoker casino77510 03-06-06  01:32 pm
2 Stroke Animationpoker casino81103-06-06  01:31 pm
Centrifugal Babbitt Lining Machinepoker casino50503-06-06  01:21 pm
"The Worthy Sons"richarddurgee02-10-06  09:04 am
Naptha Launch bookandrew01-29-06  04:06 pm
SPEED richarddurgee01-25-06  02:07 pm
Modern Plumbingpeterogborne01-22-06  05:32 pm
William Scrippsricharddurgee01-18-06  02:33 pm
RPM gaugejamesosler01-17-06  09:43 pm
RPM gaugejamesosler01-16-06  08:20 pm
Glass Bow light lensesbruce01-14-06  01:51 pm
Are there parts out there for a Palmer 27hp 1973Big01-12-06  12:13 pm
Moving Inland ?andrew01-11-06  09:02 pm
Help - Anyone Know What This Is?richardday01-11-06  09:44 am
Interesting Manifoldsearcher01-08-06  04:39 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASpeterogborne12-25-05  11:52 pm
Christmas At The Motor Boat Clubricharddurgee12-24-05  12:49 pm
Norman twin EngineProf12-21-05  05:10 am
Farro Ives Marine Enginericharddurgee12-19-05  12:04 pm
Volvo 2003T parts list and identificationsteven12-09-05  06:44 pm
Non-Fluid Oilsricharddurgee12-04-05  08:45 pm
Perkins marine engine parts andrew12-04-05  05:31 pm
Misc.richardday11-30-05  08:07 pm
The Walrus Saidricharddurgee11-12-05  05:30 am
New Classifiedseddie11-08-05  05:02 pm
Hurricane Wilma UpdateScott Peters11-08-05  10:23 am
Alternator Drive M47 Chyslerchriscraft_frank11-07-05  03:49 pm
Marine Greese vs Normal Greeseeddie10-25-05  09:41 am
Volvo series 2000 enginesailor175010-22-05  04:52 pm
How to make springs articlerobertholcomb10-09-05  12:29 am
Watermoto?starlet10-02-05  04:58 pm
Louisana Threatened againDickie Gibbens09-27-05  08:01 pm
Fitting Out Time !thomas09-21-05  06:58 pm
Internet article on rust and molasesrobertholcomb09-21-05  12:16 am
1956 Firestone 10HP eracer09-13-05  11:21 am
Engine Maintenancericharddurgee09-08-05  07:27 pm
Hurricane KatrinaDick G09-02-05  07:48 am
Coventry Victor Outboard?foxman09-01-05  10:12 pm
Picture sizingmichael045308-26-05  08:28 am
Manual for Nordberg M505B Marine Enginemichael piolunek08-24-05  06:32 pm
Buda deiseldudley08-24-05  03:10 am
Manual for 1967 Johnson 9 1/2 HP OutboardJim Chamberlain08-20-05  06:55 pm
Calvert marine on tvlarry_from_maryland08-19-05  01:03 pm
Martin 100 outboard enginefoxman08-14-05  06:04 pm
Brass door locksricharddurgee07-26-05  02:05 pm
Blaxland marinepalmer_boy07-21-05  05:35 am
Ommc genset?pault07-13-05  04:40 am
Any one watch this?billschaller07-10-05  03:19 pm
WWII LCM Boat Propsolarrog07-07-05  08:20 pm
Blaxland marinegreg_s07-05-05  08:10 am
BAVE-U MARINEgreg_s07-05-05  08:01 am
Unanswered Posts Section?robert06-23-05  01:03 am
Baking engine parts...robert06-14-05  12:41 pm
ODINE ENGINElarry_from_maryland06-12-05  08:16 pm
Foden mk2 Dieselsrobert05-31-05  06:51 pm
ATTA BOYricharddurgee05-26-05  10:14 am
Overhaul Timericharddurgee05-25-05  12:31 pm
Gasoline-powered boats in List of Merchant VesselsScott Peters05-12-05  12:12 pm
American Gasoline Engines Since 1872billschaller10 05-11-05  11:48 pm
Old engine new movielarry_from_maryland03-06-05  01:08 pm
Making piston ringspeterogborne02-19-05  06:12 am
Richards Tips...technicalrichardday02-11-05  06:58 am
1926 StephensKeith Tollett01-22-05  05:01 pm
Scripps Marine Enginejamesosler01-10-05  01:16 pm
Dean &/or Fox Engine Co.?keith01-06-05  07:25 pm
Adjustable valve gearbillschaller01-03-05  04:08 pm
Repairing cast iron. searcher01-02-05  02:31 pm
New Scanned Pictures Pageernie12-30-04  07:35 am
Gone A-Hunting--- 1914richarddurgee12-27-04  05:39 pm
MERRY CHRISTMASmechman12-27-04  10:37 am
Evinrude year ???andrew12-16-04  08:30 am
MOTOR BOAT BUG 1911richarddurgee12-15-04  06:37 pm
Copper water jacket issues:Thrall & othersrobert12-10-04  02:43 am
Calculating Horse Power 1913miro12-05-04  08:07 am
MOTOR BOAT BUG 1909richarddurgee12-04-04  05:18 pm
Murray & Tregurtha - Where are they now?george_iv12-03-04  08:14 pm
Scripps Model 4-60 Code 7C1MBjudy fargher11-26-04  02:00 pm
NA Three Cylinder Club decommissionedandrew11-20-04  07:05 pm
Babbitted Bearingsthomas11-19-04  06:17 pm
The Cargo Boats, Thomas F. Dayricharddurgee11-12-04  01:27 am
Power Boatingricharddurgee11-07-04  03:56 pm
GADGETricharddurgee11-05-04  04:52 pm
Machining Gib Key Waysbob wood11-03-04  06:37 am
" The Rudder '' magazinepeterogborne11-01-04  05:21 pm
Pair - O - Grinsandrew10-24-04  09:12 pm
Ford diesel 240IE cyl 2,36 litre (144 cu in)outrigger10-18-04  07:01 am
Early Brass Manzel Oiler on eBayrobert10-03-04  10:10 pm
Hurricanes and Sailorsricharddurgee09-17-04  08:58 pm
Two bolt hole threaded flangebruce09-04-04  02:46 pm
Check ball drip oilersthomas08-15-04  09:21 am
1915 Toonricharddurgee08-08-04  02:22 pm
Ca 1918 Palmer catalog on eBayrichardday07-31-04  10:25 pm
Right Hand & Left Handricharddurgee07-07-04  05:41 pm
Good JobAndrew07-06-04  12:28 pm
something to think aboutrayman10 07-06-04  03:08 am
Diesel air leakraymond07-06-04  02:55 am
Looking for Engine transport from Maine to VermontAndrew07-04-04  08:07 pm
Tow boat troubleraymond.06-27-04  01:44 pm
Sparkplugs old to new referance.andrew06-14-04  10:05 pm
PropellersScott Peters06-11-04  03:00 pm
who's going to the big engine auction sat.Robert05-15-04  11:27 am
John Smietana is doing wellrbprice05-12-04  08:52 am
Aristox Motor 8hp or 12hpMark R Gibbs05-09-04  11:56 pm
Machinist QuestionJT Petrillo14 04-26-04  04:03 pm
T-shirt logosdude dude04-19-04  05:46 pm
1904 Rudder bound magazinesMike Farmer04-10-04  08:36 pm
good time on the bayouJ.B. Castagnos04-07-04  11:34 pm
St Lawrence engine questionssteve fox04-02-04  10:31 pm
17' Fantail Launch molds....andrew03-29-04  09:54 pm
Harmsworth Trophyricharddurgee03-28-04  10:14 pm
Hey andrew got red Xolarry03-26-04  07:16 pm
maxwell and fitch tom johnson03-22-04  08:17 pm
9.9 outboard jet motor made in indianapolissteve fox03-21-04  10:21 pm
Mike Farmer and books of Weston Farmerandrew03-21-04  06:09 pm
Watson Flagg Machine Company of Patterson, New York V Driveiiiihh03-15-04  04:21 pm
Will It Ever Come To This ?Richard Day03-14-04  05:09 pm
Paint or not paint inboard crusaders?miro03-09-04  08:10 pm
For those interested in Koban outboardsmiro03-07-04  05:09 pm
Grease cups needed and available for trade.Robert03-04-04  09:39 pm
Come Aboardricharddurgee03-01-04  08:05 pm
1909 Motor Boat Showricharddurgee01-26-04  12:10 am
Resource for 60's cabin cruisersPaul Domeier01-23-04  06:17 pm
museum engine picturesrholcomb01-20-04  10:03 pm
Jack London Snark QuestionPaul Domeier01-12-04  11:49 pm
Merry Christmaspeter ogborne01-06-04  07:07 am
Invinciblemarks01-05-04  07:58 pm
What has happened to Devereux Books?wdboat01-01-04  07:16 pm
Maryland state ship on ebayKeith12-19-03  04:23 pm
Bayou Bob's Tugboat tripmiro12-11-03  05:25 pm
frisbie write up and historyrholcomb12-02-03  11:11 pm
Channeling Grease.Richard Day10-31-03  06:48 am
Ships lifeboatTim Mulvey10-27-03  04:16 pm
waterpump on ebaysolarrog10-21-03  10:33 pm
Looking for a technical authorandrew10-09-03  09:33 pm
New Pilothouse Cruiserricharddurgee10-06-03  10:04 pm
Australian engine manufacturer listandrew10-02-03  08:23 am
Hurricane Isabel 2003KeithBillet09-23-03  12:47 pm
Storm damage ?larry from MD.09-21-03  08:39 pm
AeroThrust engine......rholcomb08-07-03  01:13 am
"EMERGENCY" Oiler??Keith Tollett08-03-03  03:51 pm
Marine Steam Engine ........SS Whisper .peter ogborne08-01-03  06:00 pm
non-detergent oil on OZKevin07-31-03  11:02 pm
Box of bits peter ogborne07-21-03  03:19 am
What is your favorite book?richarddurgee05-09-03  08:41 pm
Seattle WA. Old marine Enginesricharddurgee05-09-03  05:16 pm
Bay bridge walk called offolarry04-15-03  06:54 pm
Krice CarbsErnie04-10-03  08:50 pm
What Goes Up.....donwhite03-24-03  07:24 am
Post your best engine.Richard Day03-21-03  04:48 pm
Morris Motor question from ArgentinaMorris Marine Regist03-12-03  04:14 pm
Need Valves for Early 4 CycleRobert03-04-03  01:47 am
ANTIQUE MARINE ENGINE TIPS - by Richard Dayandrew03-01-03  07:46 pm
OME T-Shirts in OZandrew02-18-03  07:29 pm
kinda funny....andrew02-10-03  12:26 pm
off topic, Richard D contact me about next weekErnie02-10-03  08:04 am
Barber engine on eBayBill Schaller02-03-03  08:51 pm
srew-down grease cupsBob Johnson02-01-03  01:49 pm
Whale World peter ogborne01-30-03  07:35 am
1898 Chas. B. King Co. Engine Catalogue on eBayRobert01-24-03  12:21 pm
Du Brie ad on eBay - the timerErnie01-06-03  08:53 pm
St. Lawrence Engine FlywheelsNorm McIntosh01-05-03  10:32 pm
CHLOR-RID and a submerged CATrbprice01-03-03  05:22 pm
Vim Motorandrew12-27-02  06:02 pm
Don't forget copyright on picsErnie11 12-11-02  11:47 am
This is neat.Tom Stranko12-10-02  07:50 pm
McLachlan Gasoline Engine Co. Toronto Circa 1900-1906mechman12-10-02  10:24 am
OME T-ShirtsErnie12 12-06-02  09:22 am
1941 Roper 6hp outboardandrew12-04-02  05:22 pm
Invincible Againmarks12-01-02  05:22 pm
Steam not gas, but interestingandrew11-23-02  08:35 am
piston ringssatish11-22-02  12:47 am
Two Classicsricharddurgee11-21-02  12:57 am
Photos of late 1920's Ventnor Runabout captainbill11-21-02  12:40 am
Waterman partsmiro11-18-02  10:54 pm
Change of Addresspeter ogborne11-04-02  08:21 am
Be sure to check the LAST DAY and LAST WEEKandrew11-03-02  05:28 pm
You do not have to register to use this boardjsamuel10-28-02  05:01 am
FREE BEERrbprice10-27-02  09:48 am
model marine engine`sbob10-15-02  09:09 pm
Onditiome propellerrbprice10-12-02  09:50 pm
Bronze Water pumpsrbprice10-11-02  07:55 pm
Interesting linkrbprice09-17-02  03:49 pm
canadian made boatschris stromer09-09-02  11:00 am
Davistown Regattaandrew09-06-02  02:33 pm
WATER PUMP GREASEAl Rentschler09-04-02  04:25 pm
ANTIQUE MARINE BOAT ENGINE MOTOR POSTER....????ernie08-26-02  08:09 am
My new MufflerBill Schaller08-07-02  03:29 pm
Board is working again...andrew06-27-02  11:31 pm
problems on the board 6/25/02andrew06-25-02  11:44 pm
Help find power-naut out driveRick05-31-02  09:21 am
Early Wright Bros enginerbprice05-23-02  08:11 pm
Lapping compoundandrew05-18-02  12:52 pm
VIRUS HOAXernie05-17-02  09:50 pm
New Web Site for Disappearing Propeller Boatsernie05-12-02  03:56 pm
engine wont turn probaly rusted internalyandrew05-12-02  01:45 pm
Can you help with 1898 Frisbie Transaction?lukehart05-09-02  12:06 pm
60 boats burn across the river from meandrew05-02-02  04:18 pm
JB's vacation...ZJ.B. Castagnos04-29-02  10:04 pm
1908 Detroit Long Distance RaceRobert04-28-02  11:53 am
ice boatBill Schaller04-20-02  10:21 pm
EBAY Item - Lozier Adandrew04-17-02  10:21 am
Hallett Mfg. Co. catalogue on eBay - early Los Angeles engine builderBill Schaller04-16-02  04:22 pm
i always liked this photoRobert04-14-02  02:18 pm
Essex enginesandrew04-13-02  08:06 pm
Human IDmiro03-29-02  07:30 am
good time on the bayouJ.B. Castagnos03-26-02  10:39 pm
Removing corrosionClaude Raines03-21-02  05:55 am
Dick DayGeoff Archer03-18-02  04:52 pm
Auction todayolarry03-17-02  12:25 pm
A report on the 1909 Detroit Motor Boat Show...andrew03-17-02  12:04 pm
Engine Show?rbprice03-17-02  11:55 am
1898 Vapor Engine & Launch Catalogue on eBay...Robert03-09-02  10:23 pm
It seems that there is less posting on the new discussion board.Richard Day11 03-06-02  07:33 pm
I went to pick up my new engines,bill03-04-02  07:56 pm
4 stroke small single "Liberty Kid"Bill Schaller03-01-02  07:05 pm
Paint removal over decalsTom Stranko02-25-02  07:22 pm
New use for old propkevin02-10-02  11:39 pm
old inboardTom Gosciminski01-30-02  03:31 pm
Kristianhus Boat and Engine museumVidar01-28-02  09:35 pm
want a painting of your yacht??scalien01-15-02  07:40 pm
Straubel EnginesPVHerschberger12-31-01  12:15 pm
Engine colourandrew12-29-01  02:32 pm
Interesting example of lock stich repair on a freeze crack..Ernie12-28-01  07:27 am
Engine animationandrew12-24-01  09:10 pm
Swallow Ourboardandrew12-13-01  03:55 pm
Engine or Boat Show dates for 2002...???Richard Day11-24-01  05:20 pm
Please let me know if you find problems on the site..David Knutsen11-08-01  03:18 pm
Welcome..andrew11-01-01  10:54 am
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